Page 108 of Romeo & Antoinette


“I know, right.”

“You girls like to join us?”

Stacey looked from one friend to another. A shrug suggested they consider the offer.

“Do they have any food here?” asked Tracey, squeezing into the booth next to Benny .

“I’m sure we can find you something. But first, how about we have a drink.”

So, more drinks came. And the night wore on. And eventually Marco hooked up with Lacey and disappeared. Benny escorted Tracey to

Tingo’s Tacos so she could finally get something to eat. And that left Romeo and Stacey alone in the booth, sitting next to each other. Their thighs still touching despite the fact that there was now ample room to spread out.

“So what’s up with you? You’ve barely said a word all night.”

“Bad night.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Not really.”

She put her hand on his thigh. “Wanna get out of here?”

Tonight? Really? After all this time?

He looked her over. Her long blonde hair cascaded over her bare shoulders as her plump pink lips formed the naughtiest smile. She was undeniably smokin’ hot. That rare breed of tough talkin’, hard ballin’, hot lookin’, citified female bartender usually untouchable by mortal men. Always inviting but forever out of reach…

Maybe it was all the booze or maybe it was the emotional pit of despair he was currently looking up from. He didn’t care. He was angry, lonely and drunk so when she took him by the hand and led him up and out of the booth, he let her.

They took an Uber back to her place, making out the whole way there. Once inside they went at it like animals. Tearing each others clothes off. Hands to hips, tongues to tits…

But a few minutes into it Romeo’s mind began to wander. He got distracted. He looked around and took stock of what he saw. Some dirty jeans, a bookshelf with no books, a glitter covered throw pillow near a window that reflected the colors of the rainbow as the streetlight hit it, the rose tattoo on her hip. A stupid red and green rose tattoo sitting sexily on the outside of her hip.

“Wait a sec,” he said. “Hold on.” He cupped his hands around her face and gently pushed her off him. “Stop,” he said.

“What? What’s the matter?”


“What’s wrong?”

He looked at the flower.

“What is it?” she asked again.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. I just can’t.”


“I’m sorry. I know…” He looked at her, taking stock of what he was about to give up. Then he reached for his clothes. “I gotta go.”

It was an awkward couple of minutes as he fumbled around in the dark trying to find his pants, and she sat there on the couch, half naked, shocked at this unprecedented turn of events.

“This is a first,” she said, as he headed for the door.

“I know. I’m sorry.”