Page 107 of Romeo & Antoinette

“Come on. I haven’t been out in days. I wanna take my new friend here out for a beverage.”

He was talking about his tooth.

“I’m not in the mood.”

“Not in the mood? Not in the mood? Since when do you have to be in the mood to have a drink? Drinking puts you in the mood. Not the other way around.”

Romeo just shook his head, ignored his friend and kept cleaning. But that didn’t stop Marco.

“I haven’t been out in days and you my friend, you look like shit.”

“Bad day.”

“All the more reason to go out,” Marco said with a smile. The flickering fluorescents above reflecting in his golden grin. “Tell him Benny.”

“You oughta come. You need some bro time.”

“See. Words of wisdom. Come on. One drink. We’ll head over to the Rail and stare at Stacey’s boobs for an hour. ”

“Fine,” he said, giving in. He knew Marco wasn’t going to give up. Marco never gave up. Really, it was just easier to say yes. He’d have a quick one and then head home. Home where he could wallow, alone, in private. At least that was the plan.

Of course, things never work out as planned. Marco, Benny and Romeo did go to the Rail. But Stacey wasn’t there. At least, not at first. When they first got there the bartender was some dude. A guy they’d never seen before. Some guy named Bob. So, not only was Stacey (and her boobs) not there, there was some new guy, some stranger, in her place.

Marco wasn’t happy. He was dying to show her his new toofus. He knew without a doubt she’d absolutely hate it. She’d think it was the stupidest, dumbest, most asinine thing he’d ever done in a long list of stupid, dumb and asinine things. The thought of that alone excited him to no end. But she wasn’t there. Instead it was some dorky dude named Bob behind the bar.

So, they grabbed a booth instead. And had a drink. And then another one. And then, just as Romeo was trying for his third time to split, Stacey walked in with two friends.

“There she is!”

“What are you guys doing here on my night off? You cheatin’ on me?”

“Weoughtyouereurking,” Marco tried to say. But it was hard for him to talk with his mouth shut.

“What did he say?”

Romeo just kind of shrugged and continued sulkily peeling the label off his beer.

“I said,” he said with a big, open grin. “We thought you were working.”

“Oh my god! What on earth is that?”

“That’s his new tooth,” Romeo said without looking up.

“You’re kidding.”


“Why?” Stacey asked, looking at everyone at the table for an answer.

“I got it for you baby.”

“Dude, you’re too much.

“I like it,” said one of the friends.

“And you are…?”

“This is my friend Lacey,” said Stacey. “And this is my friend Tracey.”