Page 102 of Romeo & Antoinette

“I don’t want that kid here. You understand me?”

“Yes. I understand.”

“I mean it.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“You need to leave,” said Tyler.

Ant looked at her brother. “You need to go back to work.”

“You’re not going to talk to this guy are you?”

“I said go.”

“I ought kick his ass.”

Romeo was trying to be good but he couldn’t resist. “Yeah,” he said. “How’d that work out for you the last time?”

Tyler tried to grab him. Straining through the window, swiping his hand wildly. He wasn’t even close.

“That’s enough!” yelled Ant. “Go back to work.” She turned him around and pushed him back toward the fryer.

Then it was just her and Romeo. “You should go,” she said to him.

“Look, about last night, I’m sorry… About that…” He pointed vaguely toward Tyler while he spoke. He was obviously referencing the fight. “Can we just talk? Can you give me five minutes? Please?”

“Fine,” she said. “Wait here.”

In the seconds she was gone Tyler rushed again to the window. “I’m watching you,” he said to Romeo. “This ain’t over.”

“Okay tough guy. Whatever you say.”

A moment later Ant came around the side. Immediately she could see her brother back where he wasn’t supposed to be.

“Would you stop?”

Reluctantly Tyler walked away. Of course, he had to do the whole I’m watching you eyes/fingers gesture with each and every step.

Nikki, who’d moved from marrying ketchups to filling up salt shakers, decided the counter needed to be cleaned now. Right now. Which put her in a prime position to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“Thank you,” Romeo said, when they finally stopped walking.

Ant was cool, aloof even. “Okay. Five minutes. Go.”

“I just wanted to apologize.”

“For what?” she asked, like she had no idea what he was talking about. She wasn’t about to make any of this easy for him.

“For last night.”

“For lying to me you mean.”

“I never lied to you.”

“Oh, really? You said you were going to keep the peace. That’s why you were going, remember?”

“It was.”