My phone rings, and I fish it out of my pocket, while still looking at Harlee. “Wrecker.”

“Where are you?” Demon demands.

“We had to make a pit stop, we’ll be there as soon as Harlee’s done.”

“Pit stop where?”

“Harlee wanted to visit her mom.”

There is so much silence that I thought Demon hung up on me. “Take your time then,” he says gruffly. “When you get here, just go get some rest, and once you’re good find me in my office.”

Putting my phone back in my pocket once he hangs up, I rub at my neck, kicking the dirt around. My head snaps up when I h

ear Harlee giggle, talking so happily. I’m about to go back over to see what caused the turnaround in her, but stop as I see her lean forward, blowing a kiss to the headstone and get up. I watch her face as she turns around, and she almost looks free.

“It go okay?” I ask her.

She gives me a smile, a smile so bright it holds no sadness. “Yeah, I got the sign I needed.”

Pulling her into me, I kiss her forehead. “Love you, Harlee.”

She squeezes my waist, but says nothing.

Disappointed she doesn’t tell me she loves me back, I step away, clearing my throat. “Ready to get to the clubhouse now?”

Letting out a loud sigh, she says, “Yeah, let’s go.”

Chapter 26


Getting off the bike, my legs feel like J-ello. We should have stopped for a place to rest, instead of driving the whole seven hours here other than my small detour. I stand in front of the clubhouse doors, not wanting to go inside. Last time I was here, I killed a club girl.

Carter nudges me from behind, “Come on, babe, I’m exhausted. Demon said for us to get some sleep, and once we’re refreshed he wants us in his office.”

Taking a huge breath, I walk forward. The second the doors open, I expect loud music, and the sounds of people fucking, instead, it’s nothing but silence. And the only girls I see are fully clothed, cleaning the place. The fuck?

That’s unusual, even the clubgirls who usually clean normally do it half naked.

I follow behind Carter down the hall and into a room.

There isn’t much to it. It’s nothing fancy really. There is a full-sized bed and a small dresser. Not much else could fit really. Off to the side is a small bathroom. No shower. Just a sink and toilet.

I don’t want to ask but I need to. “Have you had girls in here?”

“Princess, why you askin’ me that shit?”

I fold my arms over my chest. “Because I don’t want to lay where you have shared a bed with other women.” Maybe it’s selfish but I won’t do it.

“Come here.”

I go to him, needing to feel his touch and his reassurance.

His hand rubs down my back. “I told you a lot has changed. You are the first woman I have brought in here.”


“Honey, I swear to you.”