“Jesus. What are you doing prowling around my house like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“Heard you scream and thought someone could be in the house trying to grab you.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re a fucking moron. Get in here. I have something to show you.”

When I join her in her bedroom she points to the top drawer of her dresser. I go over and take a look. A fucking rat that has been decapitated is laying on top of her thongs. I smirk. “I see some things haven’t changed.”


“You still wear G-strings.” I grin.

Thwack. She smacks the back of my head. “Can you…I don’t know be an adult for five fucking minutes. Someone is trying to send a message. Shouldn’t you do something?”

“Whoever put this here will be back. We need to go—now. Get your shit.”

I’m surprised when Harlee simply nods without any lip.

She rushes to the bathroom and tosses a few more items in her bag and kicks off her heels, changing them out for a pair of shit kicking boots.

Once she is ready to go, she makes for her truck in the garage but I stop her. “Sorry, not happening. They know your vehicles. You gotta strap your bag to your back and ride bitch.” Truthfully, I want her as close to me as possible. I want her arms around me and her tits pressing into my back as we ride, like the old days. Besides, my bike is faster than her truck.

She growls but doesn’t give me any sass. I’m almost disappointed. I’ve always loved her fight.

“You still have your helmet?”

She rolls her eyes and pulls it from a cabinet in the garage.

That’s my girl. Always prepared but then a disturbing thought hits me. Whose goddamn motorcycle has she been riding?

“I don’t know why it matters. They are probably watching us right now and running your bike plate to see who you are.” She puts it on and slings her bag across her back. Damn she looks sexy in those tight jeans and that Harley Davidson t-shirt. Her helmet still has the skull and roses she painted on it when I first gave it to her as a gift.

“It matters. And this bike isn’t registered to me. It’s a decoy, sweetheart.”

“Let’s g

et this over with. The sooner you take me to my asshole dad, the sooner I can get away from you,” she says pointedly.

“You don’t give me my orders I take them from your old man. I’m not taking you to him.” I smirk as I pull out my riding gloves and adjust the strap of my helmet under my chin.

She gapes at me and I fight the urge to tell her I have something to stick in that mouth. “What? Where are you taking me then?”

“Can’t tell you that. Just get on the damn bike,” I bark at her and she listens.

Chapter 6


I can’t believe this bullshit. First, I have someone after me no thanks to my dick of a father. Second, the one man I once trusted thinks he is gonna save me. Third, there was a headless rat bleeding out all over my underwear. What did I ever do to deserve this bullshit? Looks like I’ll be going commando until I can buy some new undies.

I stomp over to the cabinet I keep all my riding gear in and take out my helmet along with a jacket. Riding on a bike at night can get cold not to mention the small protection it can provide in case of an accident. I shove my purse in my bag then get ready to ride. I swore I would never get on the back of another man’s bike and here I am climbing on with the prick who shattered me.

Wrecker goes still as I wrap myself around him on the bike. Hprobably thought I’d be stubborn and not want to touch him, but I ain’t stupid. I’m not going to risk my life by being stubborn, so here I am, wrapping my arms around the dick face who broke my heart. As we ride off, I think of all the ways I could kill him and make it look like an accident.

I’ll never forget the first time I climbed on the back of his motorcycle. My father had dared me to get on any man’s motorcycle, but this was Carter (he was always Carter to me back then) and I knew he’d die before he hurt me. God, was I ever naïve. I thought it fucking hurt when I saw my dad screwing Lin. He shattered every illusion I ever had about love but I thought my man would be different. I’d find a good guy and he’d cherish me. And he did at first, but then he got to talking to my dad and he recruited him to the club. I told myself it would be fine. He’d see what a prick my dad was and walk away. Again, I was dumb. I thought my love would be enough for him. It wasn’t even though he claimed he was doing everything for me. Said that one day a bigger and meaner biker would come wanting me for himself and to take my dad’s place at the head of the club and if he was in good when that day came, he’d be there to take out the motherfucker, and make sure I ruled in my old man’s place if it was what I wanted. It was the last thing I wanted, but I loved him enough to pretend he’d change his mind. I thought when that day came it wouldn’t matter. That I would be long gone and living my life with him. What a dumb fantasy that was.

Then he broke me. He fucked around on me and proved that all men are no good pieces of shit.

I thought I would never see him again. I promised myself I would never look at him ever again, and here I am with my arms around him, being reminded of all the things I loved about him. He’s dominant and takes no shit. He is the only man who could ever put me in my place but also stand by me as an equal. He wasn’t intimidated by the fact that I could shoot a gun better than most men. He was proud to call me he is. And I was proud to be his. I loved him with all that I had. I had given him all my firsts except one that he begged for, but he fucked up before I gave him that part of me. My ass.