He gets up, passes envelopes to each mother, and they slowly open them as he sits back down. “Well?”

“Teri, I’m sorry, baby girl,” her mother cries.

“How the fuck could you let me think all these years he was my dad?”

“I wanted to believe he was because he always took good care of his women.”

“Demon was right, you are a whore.” With that Teri walks out of the clubhouse, her mother trailing after her, begging her to just talk to her.

“Sam,” his mother whispers and shakes her head.

“Fuck,” he mutters looking down. “So, who is?”

His mother’s face pales and she keeps her eyes to the floor. “I really don’t know.” I snort, figures. She looks at Demon, “Would it be possible to test a few other members? Just so Sam doesn’t have to wonder his whole life who his father is?” She asks him, timidly.

Dad shrugs. “Go for it. Every kid deserves a dad. Just leave your information with one of the guys outside, and we’ll set up another testing day.”

It keeps going this way until Jachin’s mother opens her envelope. She nods her head yes. “Should have done this years ago, I wasn’t exactly sure, because that time in my life, it could have been any member here,” she says mildly as Jachin looks at her in disgust.

So, there we have it, I have a brother.

“Keisha, what about you?” I ask her, as she reads her results with tears streaming down her face.

“No,” she whispers.

I sag in relief. I knew it was possible that every single one of these people could have been my brother or sister. At least I know now exactly who is and isn’t. I think about my mother as I look to all these kids’ moms.

“How could you knowingly sleep with a married man? Yeah, I get it, he’s in the wrong too, but how could you do that?” I ask them all.

They all look ashamed but not one says anything. Every woman though has admitted it could be anyone in this club, so it looks like we’ll be doing another batch of tests. I always thought Maury was a bunch of bullshit, but here we have it, live action biker version of Maury. I look to Jachin. “Are we gonna have a problem here?”

Shaking his head, no, he sighs. “I’m sorry for the bullshit I pulled. Where do we go from here?”

“We stand by each other while our father dies. And if you stop being a dickhead you can meet your niece.” He gives me a small grin, and we shake hands. “If I had known, Jachin, I would have made dad do this sooner. I’m sorry you had to see me with him, looking like a big happy family for so many years, when you weren’t even allowed to know your father.”

“Not your fault. I blame my mom, and I’m sorry I blamed you. You didn’t know about any of it. I heard what happened when your mom found out about it all, and fuck, I’m sorry, Harlee.” He rubs a hand over his face. “I was such a stupid shit kid.”

I chuckle at him and look around the room. Watching people start to leave.

The ones who don’t have any other business here file out other than Keisha. She is sobbing in my father’s arms and oddly he is consoling her.

He rubs her back and Jachin clenches his fist. “You okay?” I ask him.

He shakes his head staring at Keisha. “Keisha,” he grits out, his voice cracking.

She looks up and my father glares at him.

“Is he mine?”

My eyes widen. Keisha and Jachin. No way. I never would have thought it but I don’t really know her anymore.

She sobs again.

“Well?” Jachin demands.

“Leave her be. Can’t you see she’s upset,” our dad tells him.

“Fuck this,” Jachin spits at them and turns to leave.