“That bitch hit me first.”

“Keisha, why the fuck you even here?” He asks her.

“I need money, you were supposed to bring it to me yesterday,” she whines. What the fuck happened to the girl I used to know? If I had stayed would she have turned out like this?

“Yeah, and I told you until I have a DNA test to prove the bastard is mine, you ain’t gettin' another dime from me.”


I’m at the hospital with my old man. We’re waiting for Keisha to meet us at the hospital to do the DNA test on her son.

“Dad, how many kids do you have exactly?” I ask him, needing to know, while staring at Teri across the food court, as she glares at me. She’s only a month younger than me, and claims she’s his daughter too.

“I only know for sure that you’re mine. I had you tested the day you were born to make sure your mother wasn’t playin’ me.”

“Okay, but what about all those kids I went to school with, the ones who tormented me constantly, who all claimed they were yours?” I look around and suddenly feel sick, every single kid who claimed they were my sibling is walking towards us. Before I can tell him, we’re surrounded, Jachin speaks.

“Well hello, daddy dearest.” He always picked on me in school. Tried to make it a living hell for me. He was the group leader when it came to giving me shit. I have to say he does have my old man’s eyes but he looks a lot like his bitch of a mother. Pointy nose, square chin, and dirty blond hair. He’s tall like my father too. His mom is about average height.

“Who the fuck are you?” Dad booms looking at him confused.

“You don’t recognize your own kids? That hurts,” Jachin mocks, with a hand at his heart.

“I ain’t your dad, boy.”

“Right, just like you’re not Teri’s, Sarah’s, Heather’s, Sam’s, Monica’s, mine, Harlee’s, and that new bastard?”

“Your mothers were all whores. Anyone could be your father.”

“Don’t you call our mother’s whores,” Sam says, getting up in dad’s face. What is this a fucking reunion?

“Your mothers came to my clubhouse, spread their legs, so yeah, I think I can call them whores.”

“Fuck you, old man. We’re sick and tired of Princess Harlee showing off around town with her ‘perfect’ fucking family. You owe us,” Teri spits at him.

“Don’t owe you fuck all, ain’t my kids.”

“Let’s do a test,” I speak up. “If it proves y’all are his kids, then we can stop the bullshit.”

The group goes quiet. “Works for me, don’t want this drama shit before I die.”

“Die?” Heather asks quietly. She’s always been the quietest of my group of tormentors, usually just stays in the shadows. I think if it wasn’t for the others, her and I probably could have been friends, but we’ll never know now.

“Yeah, cancer, not much longer.”

They don’t look all that upset but I wouldn’t expect them to be. They have never had a relationship with him.

“Anyway, we are here to get a test done on Keisha’s little boy. Might as well test all of you while we are at it. Why are all of you here anyway?”

“We heard you’d be here today. Thought it was time we got shit out in the open,” Jachin says with a shrug.


A week later dad gets on the phone and calls all his so called kids his over to the clubhouse so we can get the bullshit of ‘who’s the daddy’ out of the way.

An hour later, they all come through the front doors, along with their whore moms. Most of whom are looking nervous.

“Well? Sit down, stop staring off around the room, I want this shit over with,” dad says from his chair.