I take a seat on the couch and Ellie wakes up, yawning in my face. Her green eyes stare back at mine and she smiles. “Are you my daddy?” At least she has something of me in her looks, my eyes. Harlee always used to say, my eyes were my sexiest feature, and now not only does my daughter have Harlee’s looks, but my eyes. I start to wonder if maybe we can homeschool her, and keep her locked up until I’m dead.

“Sure am,” I tell her as she leans back to get a good look at me.

“Your beard is itchy.” She says as she gives me a hug that practically chokes the life out of me.

“You want me to shave it?”

Ellie leans back and looks at Harlee who shrugs. “Yes, I don’t like it. I can’t see your face.” God help me, she’s got her mother’s attitude. She pulls on the hair and I tickle her ribs as she giggles uncontrollably. I have so much to make up for. I’m going to be the man I have to be to keep my family happy.

Chapter 34


I smile as I watch Ellie and Carter cuddle on the couch, she convinced him to watch Frozen with her. I back out of the room quietly so I don’t disturb them. Seeing them together has me feeling even more guilty for keeping them apart. They have been spending every waking moment together. For the time being Ellie and I are staying at my dad’s place. Carter is working on finding us a house. He has even been staying with us at my dad’s place, making sure he tucks Ellie in every night. He even shaved off his beard for her.

I quit my job, which made my boss pissed, he doesn’t care about me, just cares about his biggest money maker, and put my house on the market. My real estate agent thinks I should find a buyer soon, which will be great, considering I bought the house at a steal, fixed it up and now it’s worth almost double what I paid for it. I’m thinking of going back to school, but I don’t know what I want to do yet. Carter says he doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t involve anyone getting to see me take my clothes off. He’d actually prefer it if I stayed at home, but that would drive me nuts. He just doesn’t want anyone else to see me. The man is possessive but so am I; we both are going to have to get over it and just trust each other.

He wants me to stay home and pop out more kids, but I told him that won’t happen until there is a ring on my finger. Although, there is a high chance I’m pregnant right now, and I think he knows it because whenever he’s in the room with me and sees me drinking he takes it away while glaring at me. If I am pregnant, it’s too soon to tell, so a little drinking won’t hurt at this stage.

Making my way across the field and over to the clubhouse, I head to the front room bar, I spot Keisha flirting with one of the new prospects. I haven’t seen her in the week since I’ve been back. And there she is. She hasn’t changed much. Her hair is cut shorter but it’s still the same muddy water brown it’s always been. She has acquired some tattoos over the years. I still can’t believe she’s dropped so low. I thought she was better than this.

“Whores don’t come here. What are you doing here, Keisha?” I ask her, taking my place at the bar. She damn well knows the new rules around here; no whores in the main clubhouse. Apparently, there is a second clubhouse location for the whores and members to party at. This one is for the club members and family, and to talk business. Basically, the other location is just a giant whore house. As long as I never find out Carter goes there, I really don’t give a shit.

“Well, if it isn’t the MC’s mother fucking Princess.” She sneers out. “Come to take back your place? Just so you know, I ain’t giving up my spot just because your back. I’m the new fucking princess around here.”

We used to be best friends, and this is seriously how we’re talking to each other now?

“How could you, huh? Fuck my dad without protection and squeeze out another bastard sibling of mine?” I sneer back at her.

“Don’t you call my kid a bastard!” She snaps in my face.

“Fuck you. Seriously, how could you? You hated my dad as much as I did.”

“Yeah, well, wh

en your so called best friend takes off, cutting you out, it makes you do things you never thought to do. Fucking your daddy was my way of paying you back for leaving me. It was also payback for that time you sent that fucking clown to stalk me for my birthday.”

I almost forgot about that, for Keisha’s eighteenth birthday I hired one of those creepy stalker clowns to follow her around all day. I chuckle at the memory.

“Don’t laugh at me you bitch! You don’t know how much that traumatized me, I knew I had to get back at you somehow, and then a week later it was your eighteenth birthday, and you just fucking vanish. So yeah. I fucked your father!”

“So what? I left. Boo fucking hoo. You know why I left, it had nothing to do with you.”

“Yeah, I did, I understood it, but you could have kept in contact with me or something.”

I shake my head. “And then you would have told your brother.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yeah, I do. You might have been my best friend, but Carter was your brother, and you would have told him. Don’t even try to deny it. We both know you would have.”

“Whatever. I’m glad we’re not friends anymore. You hurt my brother, you kept my niece from me, his daughter from him. All this time you were hating on your dad and Carter, when you were just as bad as they were. Carter claims you are back together and shit now, but just you wait, won’t be long before he’s at the whore house fucking all the bitches in the place, and you’ll just be the bitch he comes to for dinner.”

“Fuck you!” I scream in her face. “How can you say I hurt your brother? What about me, huh? Was I not in the right to be hurt when he was cheating on me? I would do it all over again. At least I didn’t spread my legs open for an old man who only used you for a sperm dump.”

I don’t see her first punch coming, but the second one I do. Grabbing her by her hair, I smash her face into the bar top. “You know better, Keisha. No one fucking touches me.”

I keep smashing her face into the bar top until I’m grabbed from behind. “Princess, what the fuck are you doing?” My dad says as he forces me to let go of Keisha’s hair.