Rage boils through my veins. She’s not fucking leaving me. I grip the side of the bar ready to go off.

“Calm down, Wrecker. You should be glad she’s gone.”

“Keisha, I am warning you to shut your fucking cock sucker. Sister or not, you don’t say shit about Harlee.”

“She cut us out.” She shrugs.

“Maybe I will drag her ass back here just so she can beat your ass,” I tell her. I sure as shit haven’t forgiven her for fucking getting knocked up by Demon. I start to ask her about his cancer but think better of it. I don’t have time for this shit. I need to talk to Harlee. We gotta figure our shit out.

I start to knock when I hear Demon say, “Make sure you take care of the bitch. Don’t trust her.” Briggs and Ash come out of Demon’s office.

My eyes narrow on him and he bumps hard against my shoulder. “Where are you off to?”

“A run for Demon. You wanna come with me?” Briggs says.

“I gotta find Harlee.”

“Where the fuck you think we’re headed?” Ash snaps at me. “She told me she’d be fine, so I left, shouldn’t have fuckin’ listened to her.”

Demon’s words are all too fresh in my mind. Surely he didn’t mean his own daughter. I’ll fucking kill him. “What’s going on?”

“That dumb cunt is giving Harlee shit over taking your kid. We’re going to convince her to hand her over.”

“Goddamnit. Let’s ride.”


When we roll up next to Harlee she is laid back in her seat asleep. She must be damn tired if the sound of our motorcycles didn’t wake her. I park my bike and peck on her window.

She jumps up and clutches her chest. “You scared the shit out of me,” she says once she opens the door. “

“What are you doing here, Wrecker?”

“Princess, don’t you think it’s time you went back to calling me Carter? You’ve been flip flopping on my name for a week now, and you know I hate when you call me Wrecker. I’m not Wrecker to you. Never will be.”

“Does this mean you’ve forgiven me?”

I crouch down by her seat as I push the door open further. “Am I pissed? Fuck yeah, I’m angry. But I love you and we will work through our shit. Right now though, we need to get our girl.”

She bites her bottom lip and I nod.

Briggs comes over when I give him the signal and we ask her everything we need to know.

“Is the kid there?”

She switches the key in the ignition and lights up the dash. “She should be getting ready to get off the bus in a about fifteen minutes.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. You pull in the driveway right before she gets off the bus and be waiting for her. The moment she steps off you put her in your car and you drive straight to your father. Don’t stop no matter what. Ash will follow you the entire way home, so you don’t get any trouble.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”

She nods.

“I’m gonna make sure this bitch never comes after our daughter then I’m going to come home and we are going to sit down and work through our shit together as a family. Feel me?”

She nods and I stand up. You follow us but we’ll be parking away from the house. Don’t pull in the driveway until I give you the signal.”