Quickly, I work around the room, grab a joint, a bottle of Jack, a woman who looks nothing like Harlee, and head down to one of the fuck rooms.

Lighting up my joint, I sit on the bed. “Clothes off and take me out, baby doll,” I tell Penny.

She bites her bottom lip and does exactly what I say. As her lips wrap around my dick, I harden instantly. “Fuck, suck it hard, all the way, baby doll.”

I look down at her and pull on her blonde hair, needing to escape just for a little while. Her head bobs up and down, and I close my eyes, trying to get lost in the, but my dick goes limp. Harlee’s words playback at me. ‘Daddy is out with a clubwhore making you lots of brothers and sisters.’

I grab Penny by the back of her neck. “Stop. Not gonna happen.”

“I can get you hard.” She spits on her hand and attempts to stroke me.

“I said no. Get the fuck out.” I shove her and she falls back on her ass.

“What the fuck, man?” Should have known better with Penny, bitch is one of the newer girls here, and hasn’t quite learned the rules. Rule one, no club bitch talks back, ever. Rule two, never talk, come near, or touch one of us unless we ask for it. And Rule three, stay the fuck away from the old ladies.

“You back talking me?”

Her eyes go wide when she sees how pissed I am. “No, I’m sorry, Wrecker.”

“Know your fuckin’ place, or you can get the hell out of the club.”

“It won’t happen again,” she says quietly.

I stomp past her, go outside, and suck in a deep breath.

Briggs comes up next to me and clamps a hand on my shoulder. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be up at the main house with Harlee and Demon?”

“Fuck Demon. Fuck Harlee.”

He smacks the back of my head. “You dumb motherfucker. Pull your shit together. I’m gonna need your ass ready to rid

e at my back. Fucking Demon, man, he’s dying. He’s got cancer no treatment will help. Plan is to patch you in and make you my VP. Now, personally, I don’t give a fuck about you, but I care about Harlee. Her old man wants her with a man at the head of the club. It can be you or it can be me.” He grins, rubbing his beard as my eyes go wide.

“The fuck you just say.”

“I didn’t stutter. You have a few options. You can let your pride get the best of you and I can kill you. No sweat off my back. Then I can take Harlee for my ol’ lady. Raise your kid as my own, play daddy and maybe see her belly grow with my kid. I’ve seen her work the pole, brother.” He whistles and I go for my gun. I’m gonna kill him.

“Easy now.” He holds his hand over the barrel. “Put it away unless you are prepared to use it. Hear me out, fuckface.”

I aim the gun to the ground but I don’t put the safety on.

“Do you want to be in this club? Do you love Harlee?”

“It isn’t that simple. She lied to me. Told me she had an abortion. How do I let that shit go?”

“If you wanna be a daddy and have the life other brothers in there would fucking kill for, you’ll have to. Because trust me, there are a good fifty motherfuckers lining up to take your place, but Demon secured your spot. All you gotta do is sew that VP patch on your cut and be ready to ride.”

“I gotta do some thinking, man.”

“I hear ya. Don’t take too long and I can tell you from experience, easy pussy won’t solve your problems. Most of the men in this club have old ladies, but not many are faithful because they are bitches, but Harlee, she's a whole other class of bitch. The kind of bitch you wouldn't dream of fucking around on…Most of the brothers have boys, but the ones with girls haven't even thought of fucking around on their old ladies. Not that they didn't want to, but because they knew if someone did it to their baby girl they'd kill for her. The other members in the club, ones our age, all have wanted Harlee, and would never dream about stepping out on her. Fuck man, even Ash, who isn’t much younger than her dad, even he wants her. You had her man, you fucking had the one treasure we wanted, and you tarnished it. You threw her away. Every fucking single one of us, wanted to kill Demon for making you cheat on her in the first place. Then you, since you agreed to that shit. If Harlee is back for good, you better watch your fucking back, because none of us will hesitate to put a bullet in your head, if you step out on her again.”


Demon…cancer. Harlee… a daughter I don’t know.

I scrub a hand over my face and light up that joint. I need to think about this shit, if I don’t stop being a stupid fuck, I can easily be replaced, and that shit doesn’t sit right with me.

Chapter 30