
The second I’m flung into the wall face first, I feel blood trickling from my nose. “Fuck, Harlee, you okay, Princess?” My dad says, rushing over to me.

“I didn’t think I could hate you more. I really didn’t.”

“He needed to know, I’m not sorry I told him, but I am sorry I let him walk out of this room without putting a bullet in him.”

“Why did you do that? Are you punishing me for running off all those years ago? Is that what this is?”

“No. It was time you pulled your head out of your ass and grew up. Time to stop hiding and be a mom. Did you really think you could make a career out of being a stripper? I know you’re the headliner and rake in the big bucks, but no child of mine is taking her clothes off for money, I couldn’t let it continue. It’s time to step up and take your place by your man at the head of this club. I’m dying, Princess, and I’d like to see you married and secure before my days are up. And maybe I’d like to know my granddaughter.”

“You have plenty of grandkids from your other children.” My head whips around as I realize what else he said. “What do you mean, you’re dying?”

“I have cancer, kid. My insides are covered with it in my stomach and my throat. And it’s spreading fast, going all through my entire body. I’ve been making arrangements, securing Wrecker as VP when he gets patched. I’ve been busy with meetings, buying his vote in. I want to make sure you’re gonna be okay when I’m gone.”

“Daddy,” I cry, using the term for the first time in years on him.

I wipe at my face and take the bandanna he offers me to blow my nose. I have spent so much time hating him but to hear that he’s dying that changes things. “Are you lying to me so I won’t be mad about everything else?” I question. I wouldn’t put it past him.

“I’m a dirty bastard and have lied about many things in my life but not this. Not to you. No one knows except those closest to me.”

“How long? How long do we have?”

“Three maybe six.”


“Weeks, Harlee. Doctors say I have weeks to live.”

I suck in a breath as sobs tear through my chest. All these years I’ve hated him, wishing for him to be dead, and now he’s really dying. I’m not ready to lose him and then there is Carter—he is so angry with me, and I have to think about Ellie. When dad dies, I will be truly alone.

What will I say to my sweet girl about her dad. She hasn’t ever asked about him, and I haven’t volunteered any information about him either. Who knows what Gladys has filled her head with. She has always hated bikers.

Growing up, I thought my dad was the coolest man ever. I used to love when he would take me for a ride on his motorcycle. Sure, he wasn’t always around but when he was, he made sure I knew that I was his world. He loved to read to me at bedtime. He’d do all the silly character voices. My mom would sometimes sit in and listen to him too. She always had the wistful look in her eyes when she’d watch us. Sometimes I wonder if she were ever really happy. The woman never stopped. She was always busying herself with the other ol’ ladies, baking shit for the clubhouse, doing their laundry, taking care of the house...it was a wonder she ever really did anything for fun. But maybe she enjoyed taking care of us. I don’t think I can even remember her playing games with me. I don’t think I ever played makeup with her or practiced braiding her hair. That was all reserved for when Keisha came over. Sure, she was always around making sure I had what I needed but maybe I didn’t even know my mom. I just have this idea of the person she allowed me to see.

I don’t want that for Ellie and me.

I look up at my father and really look at him, noticing that he’s lost weight, and he’s aged so much in five years. “I forgive you, daddy,” I whisper.

A single tear falls down his face, and he bundles me up, hugging me tight. “I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I never should have sent Wrecker on those jobs, I know by doing that, I forced him to cheat on you. God, I’m sorry for being such a shit father.”

“I love you, dad. You might have been a shitty person, but before I found out about everything, you were my hero. We had lots of good times together, as a family.”

“Yeah, girl, we did. Hopefully we can make up for lost time before I take my final breath.”

Chapter 29


A kid, a daughter. Fuck. How could Harlee do this to me? How could she lie right to my fucking face saying she aborted our kid?

I’m so fucking done with that bitch. I wasn’t lying to Harlee about how the club changed. Sure, we still do illegal shit, but we don’t have whores in the clubhouse anymore. Not since the day Harlee stormed in and killed one. We keep them in a separate location. After the shit storm that Harlee caused, a lot of the women were terrified to be here, in case it would happen again.

Demon got to work right away building a second compound deep in the woods, the main clubhouse is for business and families only, a safe place so Old Ladies don’t even think their men are cheating.

I’m so fucking pissed, I need some good weed, a hot bitch, and some whiskey to get rid of the urge to go back and kill Harlee and Demon, for keeping my daughter away from me.

I shut my bike off and quickly go into the new compound. Fuck yeah, this is just what I need. Looking around the room, it’s packed full of whores and other brothers. “Wrecker!” I hear screeched by a few women.