She finally says, “This is getting us nowhere.”

She’s right, we keep going in circles. “I love you, Harlee. You have to at least let me prove myself to you.”

She stares at me, finding truth in my eyes, and her anger vanishes. “I want to say no, I really do, but I’m not going to. I must be the stupidest woman on the planet right now.” She’s about to say more, but I don’t want to talk anymore. Two days without getting my dick

wet, I need her.

I pull her to me, making her straddle my lap as I take us to the bed, and kiss her. “I fucking love you, Harlee, but right now, I need to be inside you.” With my words, she grinds on my lap, feeling how hard my dick is and she moans. Hopefully we have a few more days here before Demon calls and gives us the all clear to go home. I need to convince her into that threesome I’m dreaming of, even if it’s only a one time deal. I need to get it out of my system. My phone rings and I know it is probably Demon and I have to take it.

“I’ll be back in a few.”

I answer once I get of earshot of Harlee.

“About time you called. Can I bring her home?”

“Not yet, you gotta talk to her for me. You know she will kill me, Wrecker.”

“How did you get this number?”

“Demon came over to see Brayden and he’s passed out in his bed with him after reading him a book. I snuck his phone out of his jeans.”

“Goddamn it, Keisha. Demon will rip you a new asshole if he catches you.”

“He won’t.”

“I can’t deal with your shit right now. Got my own problems.” I hang up on her and go down to the bar to grab me and Harlee some drinks. We’re gonna need them if I’m going to talk to her about Keisha.

When I first found out about Keisha and Demon I wanted to murder them both. My baby fucking sister having the old prick’s spawn. I couldn’t stand to look at her. I don’t know what in the hell she was thinking. Maybe that was the problem; she wasn’t thinking. As much as I tried to steer her in the right direction, the older she got the more she took after our bitch mother. I had hoped being around Harlee would have made her run far and fast from the club but instead it only seemed to draw her closer.

Her friendship with Harlee kept her away from the life we hated, but once Harlee split town on the both of us, and changed her number, Keisha started to get out of control.

Demon swears he didn’t remember fucking my sister, he was too drunk. He was sick about it too, because he had treated Keisha like a daughter ever since her and Harlee became friends. More so after she took off. So I thought it was sick he fucked her, drunk or not.

Couldn’t do shit though, because he is my Pres, so I tucked aside my disgust and just did what needed to be done, for both Keisha and my club.

In truth, Demon might not even be Brayden’s father, it could be a number of different men around town, hell, even someone else in the club.

I know no matter how much talking I do, trying to convince Harlee to just stay away from Keisha, she won’t. And I have to let her do what she needs to do. As much as I want to defend my sister, my heart and loyalties lay with Harlee right now.

Chapter 22


I don’t know why I’m giving in. Sure, I’ve always loved Carter, but I’m so sick of fighting with him, and being so Goddamned angry all the time. I don’t trust him for a moment, but I’m hoping like hell this time around is different. I need it to be different for us to work.

Waking up in his arms for the first time in years I feel at peace. Horny, totally fucking horny, but at peace. All night he fucked me, whispering, taunting me about how hot it would be to watch some bitch fuck me alongside him. And God, that turned me on so badly. I’m still thinking of it.

I’d do it in a heartbeat, already have before, and I loved it. And right now, I would do anything to keep Carter faithful to me. Give him everything I possibly could, that he could get from anyone else, if that’s what it takes.

I take the phone from the nightstand and call Sophie Ann.

“Send that girl up here, the one with the pink tips on her hair. Yeah…the actress.”

Within minutes there is a knock on my door. I open it and find the girl I ordered. I know the girls who do the movies are clean. My father is anal about that shit because they are his real money makers and he can’t have them getting sick or pregnant.

“Come on in.”

She smiles at me. “Where do you want me?”