His friend isn’t far behind us.

I don’t even bother closing the door when they follow me into the room.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. I want you to give me the fucking of every girl’s wildest fantasies. Fuck me like your life depends on or like we are making a baby. However, you both suit up with condoms.” They both shrug and advance on me.

One is sucking on my neck while his hand cups my breast. The other moves around him, pulling my pants down, exposing my pussy. He helps me to step out of my shoes and pants, tossing them across the room.

“We need a condom,” I moan out.

“What you want, Princess?” The guy slowly licking my clit asks. “You want us both in that body at the same time?” He gives another slow but long lick, and my body shakes.

“No, I want one of you fucking me hard in my ass, and one eating my pussy as if it’s the last thing he’ll ever eat.” I demand of them. Both guys step away from me quickly, lust filling their eyes. Wrecker thinks he can only have my body, and all my first, but fuck that, this is payback. And just like me—payback’s a bitch.

Chapter 19


“Oh God,” moans this bitch I’m banging. She’s almost as good as Harlee, but not quite. Her mouth work was sloppy, but her pussy… fuck yeah. She’s a decent lay. She’s isn’t bad on the eyes either. Long black hair, mocha skin.

I pull out of ramming her doggy style and sit on the bed. “Get that ass up here and ride me,” I demand, holding my dick up straight waiting for her. I should have grabbed a second bitch when I pulled this one in the room with me. After helping with the camera work earlier for the new porno they’re shooting in the woods, I’ve been dying for some threesome action. I would love to eat pussy while fucking this bitch right now. Nothing better than a bitch smothering me with her pussy while fucking another. Except fucking Harlee.

“Yes sir.” She gives me a slow smile and climbs on top, her hands balancing on my shoulders.

Doesn’t take her long to cum again. Once she’s done I toss her off me and pull the condom off, grabbing her face, so I can fuck it. Fuck yeah, love the sound of bitches gagging on my cock. A few groans from me later, I pull out, spraying her face.

“Get cleaned up and go back on out. I might use you again another time,” I tell her but I doubt it.

I clean myself up, put my clothes back on, and go search for Harlee. I’m expecting her wrath, but right now I don’t give a shit. She didn’t want to fuck me. Hell, she didn’t want me at all. Well, she saw firsthand how I can get it from anyone. I warned her ass I’d get it elsewhere. I don’t play games. Two damn days she’s been giving me the cold shoulder. I get it, my damn fault for throwing that waitress in her face. I should have just denied it but I was too damn tired and she was pissing me off, so I didn’t bother.

Making my way out of the bedroom area, I hear moans, and my fists clench. That fucking sounds like Harlee. I go back through the hall, opening and closing doors as fast as I can. When I get to the last one, the door isn’t even closed, and there is Harlee, being held up by some guy, his dick in her ass and another guy’s face in her cunt.

I’m going to murder them. And her.

She looks at me as I step into the room and grins. “God yes, fuck that ass, eat my pussy. I’m about to cum so hard.” She moans like she is having the time of her life. Goddamn her. It’s like she wants me to blow her fucking brains out.

Yanking the guy up eating her cunt by his hair I pound on his face. I hit him until my knuckles split open. The other guy drops Harlee and moves away from me, hands out in front of him. Smart, but not smart enough. I’m so fucking pissed right now, I don’t give a fuck what the consequences will be. Pulling out my gun I aim for his dick. Then the other guy. Blood is going everywhere and Harlee is screaming. But it doesn’t stop me, I keep shooting until I release all the bullets in my chamber. Tossing the gun aside I grab my hunting knife from my belt and just rage at these two fucks who touched my Harlee.

“What the fuck, Wrecker!?” Harlee shouts at me. For the first time, she looks fucking terrified of me. She should fucking be. Bitch is lucky I didn’t shoot her in the Goddamned twat.

“You’re mine!” I shout in her face, throwing the knife away, grabbing her naked body to me. She smells like them two dead motherfuckers and I can’t bear it. I grind my teeth so hard I am afraid I will chip a tooth or two.

Tears gather in the corners of her eyes. “I’m not fucking yours, Wrecker. Not since I caught you with Marissa, and sure as fuck not since I aborted our kid!”

“What did you just say?” She killed our kid? She was pregnant. I swear to fuck. I punch myself in the motherfucking temple. I am about to fucking kill her. I can feel the small bands that were keeping my sanity tethered snapping with every word that comes out of her mouth.

“I didn’t want to have a child with you. I fucking hated you. I refused to raise a child that was part yours. So yeah, when I left, I went to the clinic and did what I needed to free myself from you. I couldn’t have your baby when you were fucking everything behind my back. I didn’t need a daily reminder that the man I loved was no better than my father.”

I’m vibrating with anger, and for the first time in my life, I snap on her, pulling my fist back and punching her right in the mouth.

Her head whips to the side, her lip instantly splits and bleeds. I don’t even feel guilt for it. Her head snaps back to me, and she looks me in the eye, anger steaming off her.

She comes at me like a b

earcat, clawing at my face and screaming at me. “Don’t you ever fucking touch me again, you piece of shit! I hate you! You hear me, cocksucker? You better be glad there aren’t any rounds left in your gun. I will kill you. I mean it this time, Wrecker!”

She wrestles me to the ground, going for the gun I tossed. She grabs it, smacking me upside the head with the butt of it, nearly knocking me out.

We trade blow for blow for a while; mostly her attacking and me trying to keep her off me.