Fuck him!

Storming down the hall and out to the main area, I see several girls cleaning the place. “Hey, where’s Tiny Tits?”

“She’s out getting eggs for breakfast. She’ll be back soon.” I’m told.

I sit on one of the couches while waiting for TT to get back. Ten minutes later she’s rushing through the door with a basket full of eggs.

“Hey honey, heard you were looking for me. Come help me start breakfast and we can chat.”

I get off the couch and follow her into the kitchen.

“So, what’s got you upset?” She asks me as she chops the vegetables while I grate the cheese.

“Wrecker. Woke up this morning and he was in bed with me. I yelled at him, he yelled at me. What hurt was when he said his dick needed a break. I tossed it out there about the big titted waitress from the diner, and he didn’t deny it, said it was better than expected. I shouldn’t be mad. I really shouldn’t, but I am. How dare he crawl into my bed with me, after he fucked another bitch?” I rant, grating the cheese roughly.

“Slow it down with the cheese honey, you’ll end up slicing your finger, trust me, that shit hurts.”

I set the cheese aside hanging my head and I brace against the counter.

“Harlee, have you actually talked to him?” I shake my head no. “You’re not in a relationship, right?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why you mad?”

“Because he told me he wanted me back. How can he fuck around with someone else, while claiming he wants me back?” I explode, throwing the knife on the counter at the wall.

Tiny Tits steps into my space and grabs my arms. “You can’t blame him. You keep pushing him and pushing him. Not that it’s an excuse, but until you fully commit to being with him, you can’t get mad about him fucking around. If you want him, tell him. If you truly don’t want him, let him do his thing.” As much as I hate it her words make sense and I nod.

I still don’t like it, but it’s true. I want him, but I don’t. This shit doesn’t even make sense to me. “Maybe I should just keep my distance from him for a bit.”

Tiny Tits tilts her head to the side. “Be prepared for that though. One of two things could happen. Either it drives him nuts and he begs you to talk to him, leading to you putting out, or it’ll piss him off and drive him into another woman’s arms.”

I hate this. I can’t wait until this is all over.


I can’t fucking believe him. We’ve barely spoken for two days since he went to that big titty bitch and already he’s got his eyes on someone else. I guess getting to fuck me wasn’t enough for him. Sure, I have iced him out ever since but what does he expect? Does he think one ride on his dick is enough to make me forget who and what he is and just fall right back in with him? I don’t think so. He has a lot to learn about me if he thinks I am just going to roll over and take this shit. Two can play that game.

He looks directly at me before he walks into that bitch’s room. I turn my head and fight back the tears. I swore I would never cry over him again. Fuck crying. I look to the bar and see those good looking men I saw when we first came in. I will show Wrecker he doesn’t own me. I do who I want when I want. One is almost as tall as Wrecker. I think he is the one with the big dick. I can already see myself tugging on his blond hair when he fucks me. The other one is shorter and more bulkier; he’s not really my type. But this isn’t about my type. This is about showing Wrecker I can take him or leave him.

Going over to the bar, I pull out my credit card.

“You two.” I wave the plastic in front of them. “You’re with me.”

“Harlee, this isn’t a good idea,” Tiny Tits pleads with me from her spot behind the bar.

“I think it’s a stellar idea,” I snap at her, and wave for the guys to follow me.

Let’s see what Wrecker thinks when he comes into our room and finds me getting banged by these two.

They look hesitant. “You want to earn some money or what?” I raise a brow at them with a hand on my hip.

“We like our dicks and that motherfucker you’re here with is scary,” one of them says.

“He works for my father, the man who owns this place. Who do you think has more pull with my old man him or me?”

“I’m in.” The one who was gonna star in the movie steps into me and I grab his ass before I start leading him down the hall.