
“Guess you’ll never know.” I flash my teeth at him and go over to the wall where there are some assorted tools hanging up that belong to the farrier. I take my time deciding.

I take each tool down one at a time and study it, wondering which one will inflict the most pain.

“Do you know what this?” I look at the piece of shit sent here to harm my woman while holding the pritchel.

He shakes his head looking pale.

“It’s called a pritchel. It’s used to make holes in horseshoes. But I think I will use it to make holes in you.”

Cold sweat breaks out across his forehead. “Maybe I’ll use this first though.” I hold up a different one. “This is a nail puller or I am sure I can find something to do with this.” I hold up the clinch cutters. A tool that resembles a tiny hatchet. “There’s just so many possibilities.” I grin.

I settle on the curved blade knife first.

I prick the point of my finger. “This seems a bit dull.” I go over to where there’s a whetstone and set to sharpening the blade. “Do you think he’s a screamer, Cort? I bet he squeals like a fucking pig, don’t you? He’s damn sure about to bleed like one.” I laugh

“Come on, man, I’m sorry alright. I had to. They said they’d kill me.”

“Why don’t you take off a fingernail or two first and then see if he wants to talk,” I tell Cort. He nods and gets to it.

I watch him as he takes the shoe puller and puts it to use. The guy’s hand is shaking and he nearly bites through his bottom lip from the pain.

“It was a guy high up. A biker. I can’t remember his name,” he says, desperate already to end the pain.

“Who?” I stand up and stalk toward him.

“I can’t say but you could guess and I can give you hints.” He bounces in the chair like it’s going to magically allow him to free himself.

“I don’t play games.” I grab his ear, pull it out from his head, and start slicing delicately.

He immediately pisses himself and stats crying and screaming. “Gag him,” I order Cort. “I’m sick of looking at him.” I toss his ear to the ground and go back to the wall as blood spurts from the side of his head.

That’s when I smell his shit. He just shit all over himself. Cort starts gagging and I crack up. “You pussy. An ear doesn’t bother you but a little shit does.” I slap him on the back and he pukes.

Chapter 16


I can’t believe he left me bound and unable to fend for myself. Fuck him. I swear when this shit is over I will keep my promise. I will kill this man if it is the last thing I do. I don’t even know how much time has passed but by the time Tiny Tits comes to free me my wrists are raw and aching.

“Where is he?”

“Don’t know, was just told to tend to you. Come on now.” She hands me my pants along with a new pair of underwear and helps me into them. I’m so thankful for the underwear. When I put my jeans on this morning I cringed. I hate going commando, unless I’m in a dress that can’t afford to have panty lines.

“Let’s get you some food and liquor. Also, in your actual room, are loads of new clothes to choose from. When I saw you come in this morning with only a bag, I just saw fit to make sure you had more items to wear.”

“Thank you,” I tell her sincerely.

She waves a hand as I finish buttoning my pants. “It’s no worries. Honestly. Honey, all part of my job around here is making sure everyone is happy.”

I leave the room with her and follow her to the kitchen.

I pull up a stool and sit at one of the counters as she rummages through the fridge.

“What do you like? I can cook just about anything?” She starts naming off food and I settle for a BLT, but replace the tomato with a fried egg, and home fries.

“So, tell me…” She grins. “How did you end up with that fine but scary motherfucker?”