“Oh, I meant it. Are you gonna spank me or what, Wrecker?”

Goddamn her. I stomp around back to her ass. I rear my arm back and just as I am getting ready to hit my target the fucking alarms upstairs start blaring through the sound system that is wired into every room.

“What’s going on?” Harlee questions.

“I’ll be back,” I tell her as I toss the cane to the floor and head for the door.

“Don’t you dare fucking leave me like this, Wrecker.”

“You’ll be fine. I have the key and will lock you in.”

Upstairs, everyone is panicking. Apparently, some fucker snuck onto the property in the back of one of the delivery trucks and attacked a girl who has hair the same dark brown color of Harlee’s. Stabbed her in the tit.

I scrub a hand over my face as Sophie Anne fills me in.

“You’re sure he was looking for Harlee?”

“He had her picture in his pocket.”

“Fuck.” I need to talk to Demon.

I cup the back of my neck in irritation.

“Where the fuck is he?” I scream.

“Cort took him to the barn, got him tied to a chair waiting for you,” Sophie Ann informs me. “Do what you need to do, but make sure you clean up after yourself.”

“Always do.” I grin.

“The hell any of you Blue Devils do. Always leaving a shit storm behind ya.”

She winks as I pull her in for a hug and squeeze her. She smacks at me when I grab her ass.

“Shame on you. I’m twice your age.”

“You know you liked it.”

“Maybe I did. Now get on now go kill that bastard. Can’t believe he stabbed Stephanie. ‘Bout damn sliced her nipple off. She just got that boob job done too. Shame.” She shakes her head and I head to the barn.

On my way, I remember how I left Princess. She’s gonna kill me. And damn I was looking forward to hitting her brat ass with that cane too. She needs a good spanking.

“Hey TT, here.” I throw her the key to the spank room. “Go take care of my girl. Keep an eye on her or it’s your ass. And not in the way you’d like it either.”

She goes running to the basement stairs looking like a damn newborn giraffe on those spiked heels. I shake my damn head.

I go out on the ranch to the old barn that sets on the back edge of the property by the pond. It’s out of the way and out of hearing distance of the main house. I am surprised the place is still standing. It’s been leaning sideways for years. But it’s been on the property for a good eighty years or more.

I walk in and Cort, the head of security has this punk tied to a chair with a dirty pair of panties stuffed in his mouth; looks like someone shit on them. They are white with brown looking stains on them.

“He say anything?”

“Was under orders from Demon to wait for you.” I nod and crack my knuckles.

“This is gonna go one of two ways, shitstain. One, you’re gonna tell me what I want to know and I will end you quickly or two, you can remain silent and I will kill you nice and slow.”

I pull the ruined panties from his mouth and he spits at me.

“Not telling you shit. You’re gonna make it hurt either way.?