Good. “They should be.”

“Come on, I’ll get us a room.”

“I am not sharing a bed with you again.”

Wrecker laughs. Then he steps up in my face as I get off the bike. “Let’s get something clear right fucking now. Until your father tells me to bring you home. You’re stuck with me. You can roam the property as I see fit. Until further notice you do as I say. I give the orders here. Not you.”

“Whatever, Prospect.” I bump my tits against his chest as I move past him.

I know my words bother him, worse than me refusing to call him Carter. Calling him a prospect was meant just as it sounded—like an insult. We both know he should have earned his cut years ago.

He grabs my arm roughly but doesn’t say anything as we walk toward the house. I swear, with the amount of times he’s roughly grabbed me in the last twenty-four hours, I should be a walking bruise. Thankfully I don’t bruise easy.

Inside the house, he shoves me toward the bar. “Take a seat. Don’t fucking move or breathe, unless you have to. I’ll be back in a minute,” he grits at me.

He can fuck right off with that noise. My dad owns this place. I will do as I fucking please. But I will have a drink first.

I settle at the bar and the bartender nearly trips over her feet she rushes to serve me so quickly.

“Hey, uh, Harlee. What can I do for you?”

I prop my feet up on the bar and lean back in my barstool. It’s black leather with a high back and surprisingly comfortable. “How do you know my name?”

“Everyone knows who you are. Can I get you a drink?” It’s only ten in the morning, but why the fuck not.

“Sure, Tiny Tits. I will have the house beer.” I’m not being a bitch, that really is the name on her nametag. She must have really pissed someone off. Any bitch who works for my old man gets an automatic boob job. This chick though, I swear she could slap some Band-Aids over her nipples and call them a bra.

She nods, fluttering her false eyelashes at me, but she is pretty. I like her red hair and freckles. I hope she is of age though, she has a young look about her.

“How old are you?” I ask, not because I care about my father going to jail but I want to make sure she wants to be here as well.

“I’m legal, baby.” Her voice is kind of deep. I look at her again and see the big knot in her or his throat—an Adam’s Apple.

Everyone has their kinks.

Tiny Tits slides my beer over to me. I sit up, taking a big swig then get up and walk around the bottom floor of the house. I look out at the backyard and there is a porno being filmed. I snort. A chick rides up topless on a horse and when she gets off she has on chaps with only red leather panties under them. Some other bitch walks up to her and pulls her in for kiss. She’s also topless and they rub their boobs together. The camera guy gets up close as they start groping one another.

Some dude comes up to stand next to me. “You aren’t starring in this, are you?”

I look at him like he’s gotta be dumb. Cute but dumb. “Do you know who I am?”

“Today is my first day. I’m here for Banging The Rancher’s Daughter.” He shrugs.

“Well I am the rancher’s daughter.” I smirk as his eyes go wide.

“No, shit?”

“Yeah, so that would be a big negative on the porn.” I wink at him.

He nods and hurries away from me. I guess my reputation proceeds me. I see him a minute later talking to another guy by the bar. They are whispering and staring right at me. Could they be any more obvious?

I roll my eyes and wander down the hall in search of Wrecker. I’m tired of waiting and want to get in a nap. All this time on the back of his bike has exhausted me and I’m hungry. Plus, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I would doze off, but would instantly be alert when Wrecker moved in his sleep, I didn’t want him touching me. But finally sleep took over, and I was dead to the world until he woke me up, fingering me.

The house is exactly as I remember it. Gold and red tapestries and brown leather furniture. I guess some things never change. The place is hidden deep into the woods, with two private driveways. One for this main house and the ranch, and another for the cabins the club rents out to vacationers. Sure, the club is into illegal shit, but they do earn a shit load of money off legit businesses. I know that just my father’s charter alone, they have a strip club, the porn, the farming, and the cabins all for legal work. I wonder if anyone that was vacationing here ever accidentally stumbled upon a porno being filmed?

As I walk around I keep my eyes focused on outside. Such a beautiful area, shame that it’s dirtied by the filth that happens here. My eyes travel past the barn where the animals are kept, and notice that the crop is coming in nice and full this year. Growing up, when dad would bring me here, I would beg him to let me help with harvesting.

Looking to the other side of the huge property, I see the woods that lead to the cabin area. I wonder if the cabin area is still around. For a moment, I think of going to check it out, but I decide against it. What would be the point other than to stir up old memories, memories that were all a lie.