“You asked, Princess, I'm just bein' honest.”

“I hate you,” I rasp out, tears stinging my eyes.

His eyes narrow on me, seeing my tears he flinches slightly but shrugs. “Hate sex is the best, didn’t you know that? I can’t wait to see how fucking hot it’s going to be. Let’s go.”

He pulls me back to his bike and I silently get on behind him. Cursing myself, and my stupid body for wanting him so badly.

Chapter 11


I should keep driving until we get to The Stable, but I am damned tired and ready to crash for a few hours. Plus, if that waitress does end up telling the cops I was there, they’ll be cruising the streets looking for me. Best just to lay low for the night. I’m horny as fuck too. There’s nothing like killing a man to make my dick hard. Add Harlee into the mix and I have the worst case of blue balls known to man.

I should have just fucked her on the side of the road when I finished finger banging her. She tasted as sweet as I remembered. Damn, she’s one hell of a woman. Her tight little body needs to be bent over taking my dick. I can’t stop picturing it. The vibration of the bike isn’t helping my dick either, it’s causing it to stay hard.

I see a motel up the road and speed up, pulling into the lot. I tell Harlee over my shoulder, “We’re getting a room for the night, still have a ways to go before we get to where we need to be.” It’s more like an hour, but we should be off the road for the night, and I want her. I know if we go to The Stable tonight she won’t touch me, and I need her touching me, right now.

She ignores me, so be it. In about ten minutes I’ll be feasting on her sweet cunt and fucking her all night. Maybe even have her gag on my cock a few times, just like she used to. We both stretch our legs and pop our backs as we take off our helmets.

I keep her pulled close to my side as I throw some cash down on the counter. “Need a room. No record of us being here.”

The woman clacks on her keyboard, throws a keycard at me, and nods as she eyes the cash.

“Come on, sweetheart. My dick is about ready to bust out my zipper.” I tug Harlee out the office door.

“How cute, is your palm eager to meet up with it,” she crows, trying to jerk free from my hold on her.

“Nah, he knows your tight ass is waiting to take all nine inches.” Her eyes darken as I laugh and keep walking her toward our room for the night. I parked my bike behind the hotel in the brush and covered it with a black tarp. No one will see it until daylight and we should be back on the road by then, as long as no cops are looking for us.

Once we get in the room, Harlee announces she’s taking a shower. I think about joining her but she locks the door. At least I know there isn’t a window for her to climb out of and escape. I kick my boots off and shrug my shirt over my head. I don’t take my jeans off because Harlee would lose her shit if I was laying here naked when she gets out of the bathroom.

My mind shifts to her in the shower. Her naked body with soapy hot water cascading down her fine as fuck form. My dick practically weeps at the thought. Precum is leaking from the head. I wish she’d come in here and ride me so I can fill her sweet pussy up with my cum. When this shit is over I will have a ring on her finger and my seed planted in her womb.

One way or another I will have her back.

Just as I am thinking about stroking one out before she gets out of the shower that burner phone her old man gave me sounds off.

“Yo,” I answer.

“How’s shit going? Anyone give you any trouble?”

“Nothing I couldn’t handle. We stopped off to catch a few zz’s before heading to the hideout.”

“Why couldn’t you just go straight there? Should have been there two hours ago.”

“We stopped for some gas and food. Then a situation happened. Thought it was best to stay off the roads for the night just in case. Don’t worry, Demon, at first light we’ll be outta here,” I assure him.

“Good. Just make sure you stick with the plan. I’ll be in contact soon.”

Before I can ask him about these scumbags the line goes dead. Goddamn, I wish he’d give me something to work with. He is being stingy as fuck with his inside information. It would be a hell of a lot easier to protect her if I knew what in the fuck I was up against.

I know I am just a prospect but he trusted me with her life, you’d think he could tell me who put the hit on her.

Harlee comes out of the bathroom, strutting around in a towel that barely covers her ass. Fuck me. Goddamn she has me ready to get down on my knees and beg her for a fucking taste. Because one taste is all it would take for her to give in. The minute my tongue touches her pussy she’ll fucking soak my mouth like the damn Niagara Falls. No motherfucking doubt about it.

“Spoke to your old man” Might as well tell her. I know she’ll be asking soon enough.

She looks up from digging through her bag and stares at me expectantly. “And?”