
This time when I pull up to Alexa’s house, I’m on my own and shit looks different. The garbage is gone from the yard. The grass is trimmed. There’s a welcome mat in front of the door. Before I can knock the door swings open and Wylla Mae is grabbing me by the hand. “I knew you’d come.” Those d

oe eyes melt into me, and I can’t help but grin when I see that damn sunflower is still on her wrist. She’s wearing jeans and a purple tee with a mermaid on it.

Damn brat is growing on me.

“Mom made roast. She said men love meat and potatoes.”

“Your mom is right.”

“I wanted mine diced, but she said no and made me mash them. How do you like your potatoes?”

“Cooked,” I answer as she tugs me through the door. She laughs. “I see that snot nose cleared up.” That earns me a scowl.

“Hey, you. So glad you made it.” Alexa walks out of the kitchen, and I get the sense I am in a different house than the one I was in Friday. It smells like cinnamon and vanilla. Looks clean. Like a home should. Not that I got that much of a look the last time I was here other than the nasty kitchen.

“Thanks for having me. I can’t turn down a home cooked meal from two beautiful ladies, now can I?”

“I would’ve been offended if you were a no show. No woman takes lightly to be stood up.” Her medium length dirty blonde hair hangs smooth and stick straight down her back. In a barely there denim skirt with stones and beads around the pockets, her legs are lean and tan. Long enough to wrap around a man. A black Harley Davidson tank top shows off her midriff and the black lace of her bra is playing peekaboo with the deep scoop neck. Alexa is fucking hot. If the kid wasn’t here, I have no doubt in my mind that we’d be skipping dinner and going right to dessert. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“Starved.” I lick my lips, my mouth watering at the smell of the roast wafting from the kitchen.

“All right. Sweetpea, you go wash up. East and I won’t start without you.”

Wylla Mae darts up the stairs.

“Shall we?”

“Right.” We move into the kitchen and it’s clean. I gotta admit I was worried about Wylla Mae having food when I watched them pull out of my driveway, but I put in a call to Prez and he said he took care of shit. The counter has a bowl of fresh fruit on it and there’s a spread on the center of the kitchen table. Rolls, roast, and veggies. Mac and cheese too.

I observe Alexa as she pours a glass of milk for her daughter, handing me a bottle of Budweiser next. “You’re good.” I pop the cap off and take a hard pull.

“I’m better than good, East. Do you mind if I call you East?”

“It’s Easton but yeah you can call me whatever you want, cooking me a meal like this.”

Her plump berry stained lips stretch into a sexy smirk. “That so.” Swiftly, her finger dips into the bowl of mashed potatoes. She sucks the slender digit between her plump lips and moans. “So creamy.” Repeating the motion of slipping her finger into the food, she brings her finger to my mouth. “You try.”

“Ready to eat,” Wylla Mae announces before I get the chance.

“Maybe later.” I wink at Alexa. Grudge was right, she has trouble written all over that banging body. The three of us pull out our chairs and get settled in at the table. Alexa offers me my plate first, but I tell her to go ahead and set Wylla Mae up with hers. I can hear her stomach grumbling.

The food is delicious. The meat is juicy and tender. The potatoes are a little lumpy and could use more salt, but overall Alexa did a decent job. Wylla Mae talks nonstop about her friends at school. There’s some boy that’s all the time pulling her hair and stepping on the back of her shoe. Fucking with her backpack.

“The other day he flicked my ear all through our reading group.”

“He does those things because he likes you and don’t know how to go about showing or telling you.” Her eyes narrow into tiny darkened slits at my words. “It’s true. Ask your mom. She’ll tell you. Guys pull off stupid stuff to get your attention even if we go about it all wrong.”

“Mom says men are only good for two things. Lifting heavy stuff and making babies but they aren’t very good at either. That’s why she keeps that pink thing in her drawer by her bed. If you turn it on it vibrates. She goes through a lot of batteries.”

I choke on my bite of carrot and Alexa’s face goes beet red.

“Wylla Mae,” she hisses.

“It’s true. That’s what you said on the phone to Mitzy.”

“It’s not polite to listen in on adults, Lil’ Lady.” I shoot her a pointed look and she shrinks back in her chair. “Or to go through their things.”