“God you two are so boring. No wonder you’re friends. I want the juicy stuff. Come on its girl time no men. No offense, Jasper. What’s the latest on that cunt Lynn?”

“Rude,” Jules hisses.

“It’s fine. She’s completely crazy and won’t leave East alone. She calls and texts him every single day. Pops up wherever he is. I’m just ready for her to have the baby so we can arrange the DNA test and be done or move on. Whatever.”

“You make up with your mom yet?”

“How do you know about that?”

“Please. Alexa and I go to the same salon.”

“Nope. Haven’t talked to her and I don’t plan on it. What’s she saying?”

“Well I heard from Taylor who heard your mom say that she’s worried that you were gonna end up like her. Well I gotta say your mom’s always a damn mess but you seem to have your shit together so I wouldn’t pay that shit no mind. The real problem is getting rid of Lynn. So, what’s your plan?”

“There is no plan.”

“Jules, tell her she needs a plan. This shit is serious.”

“What would you do?”

“For starters you keeping your man wore out, you know giving it to him on the regular.”


“Well yeah. We have sex a lot.”

“Of course you do.” Pam pats my knee. “How skillful is he? Now don’t get mad or offended, I’m happy with Link, but I’m just saying East is hella sexy, and I’ve always wondered what he’d be like as a lover.” She smirks and nudges me with her knee. My face heats ten shades of red. “Share with the class. We’re all friends here. I’ll tell you about Link.”

I don’t want to hurt Pam’s feelings but the last thing I want to know about Link is how good he is in bed. The dude like his wife is scary. “East is phenomenal. He always makes sure I get mine before he gets his.”

“Is he your first?”

“Pam, stop interrogating the poor girl.”

“You’re right, little sister. I’m sorry, Wylla Mae, but you know you can still tell me if you want to.” The way she looks at me when she says it makes me laugh. She looks so serious.

Jasper starts wailing from his swing. “He’s probably hungry.”

“Let me feed him.” Pam jumps up.

“Go for it.”

“I should probably get going. I need to see to some grocery shopping, and I have no idea what to get East for Christmas still.”

“That’s easy,” Pam says. “Stuff he doesn’t buy for himself. Socks, underwear, new t-shirts, money to spend on his bike. A blow job. Anal.” She shrugs and Jules starts laughing.

“Well thank you for that. I’m going to go unless you guys want to hit the mall with me?”

“Take Jules with you and I’ll take the baby home with me.”

“You always want to take him.” Jules grins. “I just need to stop downstairs and tell Roane my plans.”

I say goodbye to crazy ass Pam. While Jules goes to the tattoo shop to talk to Roane, I start up my jeep to let it warm up and call East. “Hey, honey,” I greet him as soon as he answers. “I’m calling to see what you want for dinner tonight and to let you know I’m headed to the mall with Jules.”

“Whatever you want is okay with me. Buy some of those sexy panties with the strings on them.”

“Any other request?”