“Come on in,” Jules’ calls from the other side.

Letting myself in, I put the bag of food on the kitchen counter. Jules has the baby on the couch with a blanket spread under him changing his diaper. “Can you throw this in the trash for me?”

“Sure. Guess I should get used to diapers.” I wave a hand over my nose as I pop the smelly thing in the garbage.

“Yeah, you get over the grossness fast, but of course it’s always different when it’s your kid. Did you see the doctor yet?”

“Next week.”

“You’ll love Dr. Noble. She’s the best.”

“East behaved just like you said Roane did with wanting to know the doctor would be female. All jealous about someone seeing me naked from the waist down.”

Her eyes roll. “These men. I tell you. So damn possessive. You’ll probably be the same way won’t you,” she coos at her son, snapping his sleeper back in place and lifting him up. “Wanna hold him so I can run to the bathroom?”

“Of course. Hey, little man.” I position one arm under his butt and cradle his head against my shoulder, inhaling his sweet baby smell.

“Thanks. I’ve got a few ideas for us to go over in a few.”

“Take your time.” I sink down on the couch and lay Jasper back on my thighs. “You’re so stinking cute.” I tickle at his tummy and he gives me the cutest grin. In about six months I’ll have one of my own. My heart swells at the thought. I know people think I’m young and that East and I will never last, but I know we’re forever.

Jules returns from the bathroom. “Let me put him in his swing and we can eat and talk about the nursery.”

I hand Jasper off and go wash my hands.

When I come out of the bathroom Jules has our food plated and some color swatches displayed on coffee table to look at. “Are you wanting a gender neutral theme?”

“I took some photos of the room. I think I want to keep the sunflowers for now. Maybe we could touch up the paint?” I pull my phone out and open up my photos before handing it off to her.

“Yeah. I like that. I can work with that. What are you think for your crib, are you wanting white, dark, lighter wood?”

“I have no idea.”

“I have this design program I can prepare some mockups for you and email them to you, or we can meet up for lunch again.”

“Yeah, we can do lunch again but maybe you, Roane, and the baby can come to our place for dinner one night. I’ll get East to cook his chicken dish that is to die for.”

“Great. Don’t tell Pam though. She’ll be jealous. She thinks you don’t like her.”

“I like Pam. Her and Link could come too.”

“All right, you square it with East and let me know. Pam makes these killer sea salt caramel brownies that are amazing.”

“What about my brownies?” Pam utters behind us and I nearly leap three feet off the couch.

“Jesus, Sis. You can’t be doing that.”

“You should lock the door if you don’t want anyone sneaking up on you. Just sayin’.”

“Hey, Pam.”

Her hand goes up. “So, what’s this? You two besties now behind my back? Cause I went over to see you and the baby and no one was home and I thought hmm, maybe she went to work with Roane, and he told me you were up here having a lunch with Wylla Mae. Am I not cool enough for you two? Am I too old or something?”

“Ignore her,” Jules tells me. “You need to take a chill pill. I’m helping Wylla Mae with her nursery. Before you rudely interrupted us Wylla Mae was inviting us and that includes you to dinner over at her and East’s but since you want to be a big cry baby maybe you shouldn’t come.”

“You want me to make my brownies?” Pam’s gaze cuts to me and I nod. The woman can be a bit scary and right now I’m in no mood to spar with her. “All right. But next time you two plan a lunch date I better be invited.” She rounds the couch and squeezes herself in-between us. “What’s the skinny on the nursey? I wanna see what you are planning.”

I hand my phone over to her. “We’re going to update the paint. New furniture. Crib, changing table, rocking chair. Basic stuff.”