“I could go for a steak sandwich and fries. You want to share a salad with me?”

“Yeah. You order, I gotta study.”

“You want your usual?”

“Stromboli, peppers and onions.”

“You got it.” I grab my cell and step out on the porch to smoke while I call in our order. I have a missed call from Lynn. I don’t want to deal with her brand of bullshit right now. She’s done enough damage for today and she’s not even here.

Lynn- Is it true? Did you put a ring on her finger? I always thought that’d be me. I thought we had something good, East. I’m having your child. I’m giving the family you always wanted.

Fucking hell. Bitch needs to give it up. She doesn’t have a damn thing I want. I scrub a hand over my face and dial Giovani’s. The order will be ready in twenty minutes. I flick my cigarette into the snow and go back inside to grab my keys. “Food’ll be ready by the time I get there. You coming with or staying here?”

“I’m staying.”

“You need anything else?”

“I’m fine. Drive safe.”

“Be back soon. Love you.” I go in for a quick kiss.

“Love you, honey.”

“Come lock the door behind me.”

“Why, you afraid the Boogeyman will get me?”

“No. He lives in Tennessee and he’s a friend.” I wink and her face pales.

“You’re joking?”

“Nope. He’s a Devils Reject.”

“Is that a club?”

“You’re learning. Lock the door.”

Those pretty doe eyes roll heavenward. “Fine.”

“Good girl.”

I close the door and wait till I hear it lock behind me before I start down the steps.

“East.” My head snaps up at the sound of my name. Fucking Lynn. I wish I had never taken her to my bed. I wish a lot of things, but I can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills faster.

“Go home.”

“This is supposed to be our home together. Is she in there?”

“Lynn swear to fuck, you need to leave. Nothing here for you.” Bitch is pissing me off. She has no reason to be here. None whatsoever.

“Tell me it’s not true.” Her gaze shifts to my left hand, noticing my wedding band. Bottom lip trembling, she shakes her head from side to side. “No. No.”

“Told you once and this will be the last time. Go home.”

“How could you?” She runs toward me, her short blonde hair whipping across her face. “It was supposed to be me,” she screeches, pummeling her balled fists against my chest. “I’m having your baby.”

“Never asked you to. Was always safe with you. Always honest.”