“You sure you’re good with this?”

“The club is a big part of your life and I’m your Old Lady now. It’d be weird for me to pretend otherwise. Besides, I’m ready to talk to my sperm donor.”

I’ve not told Murder the news myself, but I’m sure Alexa ran blabbing to him the first chance she got. I don’t care what she says, I know she’s in love with the man and always will be. “All right get ready.”

My gorgeous wife pauses by the closet. “Will she be there?”

By she I assume Wylla Mae means Lynn. “She don’t have no reason to be. But even if she is, doesn’t matter. She needs to know her place in my life won’t ever change. You’re my wife and having my baby. I meant what I said. I’ll be there for financial support and be a father, but I’ll never want anything from her.”

Wylla Mae snatches her clothes from the hangers and disappears into the bathroom. We’ve been back a few days and are adjusting to living together. I know the idea of Lynn having my baby kills her. I wish I could change it but until the kid is born and we see the results of the DNA test there isn’t much I can do, other than keep assuring her that I only want her. I’m sure Murder will have words for me, but what those words will be remains to be seen. He has never claimed Wylla Mae, and he damn sure never had much of a hand in raising her outside of financial support. Alexa did that on her own with help from me from time to time. The past ten years I’ve seen to Wylla Mae, and I’ll keep doing so till the day I die.

I hear the shower start and debate joining her. I go to twist the knob on the bathroom door and find it locked. Guess she is still pissed about Lynn calling me last night. All she wanted was to tell me about her next appointment. She can be mad, but I won’t let her shut me out. Pulling my utility knife out, I pop the lock on the door easily enough. Wylla Mae is already under the spray of water. I strip down and get in behind her. My gorgeous wife scowls at me.

“I had the door locked for a reason.”

“You can be mad, baby, but you aren’t going to punish me. I’ll be damned if that bitch comes between us. It isn’t gonna be easy, but you don’t get to shut me out. Not ever. We’re a team. It’s you and me, Wylla Mae. No one else. So, you shut that attitude you’re throwing at me down and lock it down tight. Won’t take you to the clubhouse and have you sassing me in front of my brothers. You’ve got my ring on your finger, my ink on your skin, and my baby in your belly. You’re mine always and forever.”

“I hate her. I hate that she thinks she has some sort of claim on you. I hate that she can call you or just pop in our lives whenever she feels like it.”

I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight against me. “Hate her all you want to, but never direct those feelings at me or else she wins. That’s what she wants, but you can’t ever give her that, baby.” I kiss the back of her neck and tease at the crack of her ass with the head of my dick.

“I’m not mad at you.” She pulls out of my arms. “I’m trying to shower.”

“So, get clean, but the minute you’re out of this shower, I’m gonna be deep inside you, dirtying you right back up. Tonight when you’re at the clubhouse, you’ll smell like me. My come will be leaking outta you.” Wylla Mae makes me damn crazy. I feel like a damn caveman, but that’s what she does to me. Makes me possessive as fuck.

“No way. I’m not walking around like that all night.”

“That’s what you think,” I warn and grab the soap to start lathering her up. I take my time rubbing the soapsuds over her skin. I will get my way. Wylla Mae is gonna learn when it comes to her, I’ll always win.

I allowed her to think she’s getting her way after I finished in the shower. Left her alone long enough for her to dry her hair and start getting dressed. I know she’s gonna get pissed. She has just gotten her jeans zipped and I’m about to pull them back off her. Getting her undressed is half the fun. I move in behind her as she stands in front of the closet fingering through the hangers looking for a top. All she has on is her dark skinny jeans and a red and black lace bra. “Red looks sexy on you, baby.” I kiss her shoulder next to her bra strap, one hand on her hip.

“Oh no you don’t.” My woman attempts to twist away, but she only makes it easier for me to turn her around to face me.

“Oh, but yeah I do, and I want. Gimme’ that mouth, Lady.” I move in for a kiss and Wylla Mae can’t deny me. She knows and I know it. My sweet wife can’t resist kissing me. Claiming her mouth, I take my time, kissing her slow and deep, tongue thrusting between her lips taking what I want, and she gives it back just as good if not better. I fall in love with her more by the minute. Knowing that she’s now my wife and that she’s having my child, changes everything. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her…to keep her. She’s my world. The reason I breathe. My reason for living. She has been since the day I met her.

“We’re gonna be late.”

I tug on the zipper of her jeans. “Your point is?” I question shoving my hand down the front of her pants.

“I don’t remember.” Her mouth is back on mine, greedy and demanding.

Fucking hell. I can’t get enough of her. I get those jeans back off her and drop the towel cinched around my waist. We fall to the bed and I cover her body with my own. Fingers laced together I slide right in her sweet heat. She’s always ready for me. I don’t care how late it makes us. I’m taking my time to enjoy her pussy that curves perfectly to my dick. Legs wrapped around me she squeezes me tight. She feels so damn good I could damn nearly cry. I don’t know what she’s done to me, fucking enchanted or cursed me, but after Wylla Mae there could never be another woman on this earth for me. When she cries out my name, I come harder than I ever have in my life.

“Goddamn, baby, the things you do to me.”

Her smile melts against my lips

. “I love you so much, Easton Reed. I’m never going to leave you.”

“I’d just follow you if you tried.”


“Swear on my life, woman. You’re it for me. After being inside you, putting my ring on your finger, my ink on your skin, my baby in your belly there could never be anyone else. You’re it for me. God’ll strike me dead right here if I’m lying.”

“I believe you, honey.” Her fingers skim the length of my jaw.

Reluctantly we disentangle from the sheets. Wylla Mae retreats to the bathroom to clean up. We end up getting to the clubhouse over an hour later than I had planned. I pull up and park my cage next to Link’s. Snow flurries are pelting down thick sticking to the ground. I go around to open Wylla Mae’s door and make certain she doesn’t slip getting out.