“No. Stop right there. Whatever this is, no,” her voice cracks, sounding so small.

“Alexa,” East begins as my mother continues to shake her he

ad, clasping her hands between her knees. “You know I care about Wylla Mae.”

Her head jerks up. “You bastard. You fucking piece of shit. I trusted you!” she roars, tears trickling down her cheeks. “You’re sick. Both of you. You’re having a child with another woman. Wylla baby, you can’t want this.”

“I love East and he loves me. We’re married, Momma. I want you to be happy for me. He’s a worthy man. You know he is.”

“Happy? A good man? You’re a child. You have no idea what you want.”

“I’m eighteen and old enough to know what love is.”

“I expected better than this out of you. I never dreamed you’d pull something like this. He’s going to ruin your life, Sweetpea. He’ll use you. That’s what men like him do. He’s no better than your father.”

“My father? What’s he have to do with this?”

“Your father ruined my life and now you’re going down the same path. Please tell me that you’re not pregnant. At least give me that. You can get an annulment. It’s not too late to make things right and undo this. You got caught up. I understand, but you can’t be married to him.”

“We’re not getting an annulment, Mom. I want to be with East. You don’t have to like it, but if you love me then you’ll respect my choice.”

“Murder will never allow this,” she hisses at East and his head drops.

“What’s Murder have to do with anything?”

“He’s your father,” she whispers, so low the words are barely audible, but I heard them.

“Murder?” I breathe his name out and East, grabs my hand. “You knew?” I look to him and I have my answer. “And Murder knows?”

“He’s always known. He never wanted you. We’ve always been his dirty secret, but I guess I should be glad East at least cared enough to put a ring on your finger. I always knew the two of you had a connection but this.” Her head moves from side to side. “I can’t accept this. How could you, East? I trusted you with her. How long? How long has this been going on? I think I’m going to be sick. I’m having a heart attack.” Clutching at her chest she drops back against the chair making a scene.

“Don’t be so dramatic. You never cared about East. You used him. And all this time you’ve known who my father is, and it never occurred to you to tell me? You lied to me.”

“I wanted to. So many times, but he didn’t want us. Neither of us. He’s ashamed of us. I never wanted his decision to hurt you. I was protecting you, but I guess I was protecting you from the wrong man.” Her lips curl in disgust. “If you stay married to him that’s it, Wylla Mae. No more. You and I won’t have a relationship anymore. You’ll be dead to me. I can’t support this. I won’t accept it.”

I get up from my seat. “Then I guess you need to hold a funeral then. Come on, East. Let’s get out of here.”

“Alexa…” he starts but she turns her head.

“I should prosecute you.”

“For what? I was eighteen and out of high school before anything ever happened and if you must know I pursued East. He never came on to me. If anything, he pushed me away repeatedly, but I wasn’t going to give up. I knew we belonged together. East and I love each other. I guess that’s something you don’t understand because you’ve never known how to love anyone but yourself.” With that said East and I leave.

I climb in the passenger side and East ever so sweet and thoughtful gets in the truck and tilts my head toward his. “She’ll see in time, but I’m damn proud of you, Lady. You got backbone.”

“I’ve got you.” I meet his awaiting lips, kissing him hard and deep with lots of tongue.

“You’ll always have me.” God, I hope his words are true. I’m giving up everything to be with him. I have already decided that I will finish the rest of this semester then take a few years off for the baby. I know I won’t be able to focus on school. My mind is always on East and now we have a baby to think about. Possibly two of them. I keep telling myself that Lynn is full of it but in the back of my mind I know there is a possibility. I know her and East had a relationship. It’s a fact. One I can’t ignore forever but for now I am going to be in this honeymoon phase with my husband.

“Let’s go home.”

“Like the sound of that, baby.”

“Me too.”

Chapter 20
