“Whatever.” A giggle leaves her lips and her lips twist into a smile.

Chapter 19

Wylla Mae

East’s arms wrap around me from behind. His chin rests on my shoulder. “What’s it say, Lady?”

I stare at the plastic stick I hold in my hands. One word reads on the digital screen. Pregnant. My stomach drops like I’ve just gone down the big dip on a roller coaster. “Um…we’re having a baby,” I whisper, not believing the words that leave my mouth.

“Yeah?” East grins at my reflection through the mirror.

“Yeah.” I turn into him and he gazes deeply in my eyes. The happiness radiating from him is enough to make me believe that maybe this is indeed a blessing in disguise.

“Love you so goddamn much, Wylla Mae.”

“I love you more.”

“Not possible.”

“Don’t sass me.”

“I’m stating the facts.”

“Well I have a fact for you. No one has ever made my damn heart beat so fuckin’ fast. Never made me feel as good as you can.”

“I wanna make you feel great.” I drop the plastic test in the sink and push him toward the bedroom. “Take off your clothes, husband.” Husband. Holy shit. We really got married. I stare at East seeing nothing but love radiating back at me. I unzip my wedding dress and let it pool at my feet.

East smolders at me, the man is beaming brighter than the damn sun. I shove him down on the bed and drop to my knees between his legs. Wrapping a fist around his cock I stroke him slowly. The action earns me a deep throaty growl in return. I take my time paying worship to his cock.

“Fuck, baby. Ain’t nothing better than this.” His fingers thread through my hair, holding me tight, pushing my head down, forcing more of him in my mouth. I take his cock deep, sucking him hard, licking him from base to tip. Bobbing my head up and down, faster and faster I know he’s close. I can tell by the way his fingers loosen then tighten in my hair and the rumbling sounds coming from him every time I stop and go slow again.

East eases from between my lips. “Get up here and ride me. Only way I’m coming is inside you.” I climb up on his lap and impale myself on his erection. East hugs me to his chest and falls back on the bed. I push up, rocking my body soft and slow, loving how good he feels inside me. He’s right. There’s nothing better than this. Than us.

Fingers laced together we make love in every position, me on top, him behind me, side by side. East gives it to me good. My husband…the father of my child. How crazy life is. How quickly everything has changed.

Later when he’s sleeping next to me, I fan my fingers across my stomach, and I smile. Beneath my palm, in my womb, a piece of me and a part of East grows.


“You sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to turn around.”

East grins at me. “Nah. It’s time. Alexa will come around eventually.”

“You better hope she doesn’t go for her gun.”

“I’m not scared of her. Her bark’s always been bigger than her bite.”

He’s not wrong, but I will always be afraid of my mother. We agreed to keep my pregnancy quiet for now. The timing isn’t exactly great with Lynn saying she’s having East’s baby. I believe him when he says that he doesn’t think the kid is his. I believe my man when he tells me that he only has eyes for me. I have to. If I believe anything else, then our relationship means nothing. Trust and communication are important. That much I know.

East parks out front of my mother’s house and shuts off the engine. He exits the truck and comes around to open my door. I don’t want to have this conversation. I know it won’t be pretty and it’s not going to make any of us feel good. He takes my hand in his, helping me out of the passenger side. Giving me a squeeze on the hip, my husband pecks me quickly on the lips. We walk to the front door and I pause. I don’t know if I should let myself in or simply knock.

I decide to knock. It doesn’t take my mom long to answer the door. It swings open and she sees me at first. “Sweetheart, what are you knocking for?” She moves to pull me in for a hug, gaze landing on my husband. Shit. Triple shit. Here we go. Brows knitting, she says, “East. Now this is a surprise. Are you guys going to come in or let all of my heat out?” She steps aside and we enter the house.

I drop East’s hand like a chicken, but it is too late. The color in my mother’s cheeks has faded. Her shocked expression darkens.

The thee of us takes our seats. East and me on the couch and her in the armchair. “So, what’s this about?”

“We wanted you to hear it from us first.”