
I stand at the front of the chapel wearing this damn suit that makes me feel all itchy and unlike myself, but I want Wylla Mae to look back on this day and know I did it right for her. I know this probably isn’t ideal. She has imagined that this day would be different I am sure. For starters her mother isn’t here. It’s just the two of us, the preacher, and the couple getting married after us serving as our witnesses. All we need is us and for it to be legal.

I will catch hell from Murder for this but Wylla Mae is worth it. I’d move heaven and hell for her. There’s an ache inside me that only she can soothe. The music plays and the door opens revealing my blushing bride. Dress

ed in a simple white satin dress that hugs her curves with a draping neckline, carrying a bouquet of sunflowers, trimmed with a brown ribbon, she’s picture perfect. A pure dream come true. She’s so damn beautiful I can barely breathe as she walks toward me.

Barely legal. I’ve ruined her just as she’s ruined me. I never knew love could be all consuming but that’s what I have with Wylla Mae. I never even saw her coming with her doe eyes and sassy mouth. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m going to love her forever. Till my dying breath, I’ll only ever want her.

Taking her arm, I kiss her cheek, and we stand before the preacher and God declaring our love, promising of forever and a day.

“Do you, Easton Reed, take Wylla Mae Neville, to be your lawful wedded wife? And do you, Wylla Mae Neville take Easton Reed as your lawful wedded husband before God?”

“I do,” we say in unison.

“Then by the power vested in me and the great state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

Cupping her face between my hands, I mouth, “I love you.” Wylla Mae smiles and parts her lips. I dip my head and kiss my wife as the couple serving as witness snaps a picture for us.


“There’s no going back now,” I murmur and kiss her as I lift her from the cage and carry her toward the cabin.

“East, I can walk.”

“It’s tradition.” I get the door open and turn sideways to cross the threshold with Wylla Mae in my arms. Her feet hit something on the table. I look down and see her purse spilled out on the floor. Three boxes. Three pregnancy tests. “Baby,” I coo, and she struggles against me.

“It’s not mine.”

“Don’t start our marriage with a lie,” I growl at her. “Gonna spank your ass raw for that.”

“I’m sorry.” She grimaces. “It’s just with Lynn. The timing. I didn’t know what to say.”

I sit on the couch keeping a firm hold on her. “Do you know how happy you’ve just made me? Nothing could be better than the thought of you pregnant.”

“I haven’t taken one yet. So…” Her fingers twist together.

I nuzzle her neck and kiss her behind the ear. “So, let’s find out.”

“Right now?”

“Yes, right now.” I squeeze her hip and she gets up looking a little pale. “Don’t be scared. Never with me.”

“I’m just nervous. It’s all so fast. Lynn and now we’re married and this. What if I am pregnant, East?” She bends down to pick up the tests.

“Don’t you want our baby, Wylla Mae?”

Her throat bobs. “I do, it’s just I could be happy waiting a few more years to have it.”

That stings but I don’t take it personal. I know she’s young and had other plans. I did too, but then we happened, and plans change.

“I’m just gonna go get this over with then.” She starts toward the bathroom and I get up to follow her. “What are you doing?” The question comes out in a hiss.

“We’re a team. I am going to be with you every step of the way.”

“I can pee on a stick by myself.”

“I know you can. Don’t be a brat. I’m so damn happy. I don’t want to miss a thing.”