“Hey, um I know it’s been a while, but you think we can meet up and talk?” The last thing I want to do is meet up with Lynn. I know what her meet up and talk means. She wants something, namely me. “I wouldn’t ask, but it’s important. Please.”

“I’m busy. I’ll let you know when and where but don’t expect it to be anytime soon.”

“Is that anyway to treat me? I thought we had something special.”

“You thought a lot of damn things. Doesn’t mean I owe you shit.”

“I only want to talk.”

“Like I said, I’m busy.”

“Yeah, right. Sure. You let me know when I’m not too much of an inconvenience for you.”

I click the call off without a response. We said everything we needed to months ago. Was a long time coming.

Chapter 16

Wylla Mae

“Come on. You’ve not gone to one party with me since we started the semester. We’re in college. It’s time to cut loose and be free.” Andi, my childhood bestie, and college roomie is giving me her saddest puppy dog pout.

“I don’t know.” I chew on my thumbnail. East has been out of town, but he said he might get back late tonight. He’s supposed to call so I can come stay the weekend with him. I haven’t seen him since last week.

“Please. Clay Motherfuckin’ Johns will be there.” He’s this hot basketball player she’s been lusting after since our orientation. John is here on a scholarship and rumor has it he will be going to the NBA by next year. The guy is a damn good center and like six foot five inches in height.

“I just need to make a quick phone call.”

“No. No way. You don’t have to tell East your every freaking move. You can’t go a few hours without being up his ass. I’m begging you. One night. Act like a normal college chick.” Andi is the one person I’ve told about East and me. I know she’s against the relationship, but she does try to be supportive most the time because she sees how happy he makes me.

“I’m not that bad.”

“Yeah you are, but I will forgive you if you put that phone down and go to this party with me.”

I glance at the time. “Fine. I will go for two hours and then I’m out.”

“Fuck yeah. Finally. This is going to be the best.” She pumps her fist in the air. “It’s going to be lit. You’ll see.”

I have my doubts but decide not to voice them. “Give me ten minutes to freshen up.”

She waves over her shoulder going straight to the closet to change.

The party is at a frat house a few blocks away from campus. I park my jeep on the street and wonder why I let Andi talk me into this. Red solo cups litter the front lawn. A dude is stumbling around with his jeans unzipped, swinging his dick around trying to take a piss but he’s urinating down his own pantleg. “Okay that’s disgustingly sad.”

“I’m sure his friends will take care of him. Come on. Forget him.”

“I guess,” I mutter under my breath and wonder if we should call someone or at least find someone to help the guy get somewhere safe. I follow Andi inside the two-story red brick home that has the fraternity banner hanging over the front entrance. Music blares so loudly that I can’t even hear myself think. It’s already giving me a headache and I’ve not gotten completely through the front door.

“Ladies, you look like you could use a drink.” A guy I don’t know drapes his arms across our shoulders shoving his way between us. He’s sweaty and gross. I shrug his arm away.

“Yes please,” Andi hisses.

“Nothing for me. But thanks.” Andi shoots me a what the hell look but East has beat it into my head since I was eight not to take drinks from anyone I don’t know. I’m not going to start doing it now. Especially not at some party where I don’t know anyone.

Andi goes to the kitchen with this guy leaving me no choice but to go with them. The room is small and it’s packed wall to wall of guys with red solo cups. I wait patiently for Andi to get her beer, feeling out of place. I’ve always had a bit of an old soul and had a hard time fitting in with my own age group.

I wish I had gotten one of the other girls from our floor at the dorm to come with us so I can leave. This isn’t fun for me. I know it’s supposed to be, but I prefer my nights spent watching a movie with East or watching him cook. Being back in the dorm doing a video chat with him would even suffice.

A loud cheer erupts from the living room and I look around the corner to see Clay Motherfuckin’ Johns walking through the front door. Everyone gathers around him like he’s a god. They all want a piece of him. He smiles then his gaze meets mine. I look away. Andi whisper shouts in my ear, “Told you he’d be here.”