I narrow my gaze on him and swipe the joint before he can fire it up. I place it between my lips and light it, taking a deep drag. “What about her?”

“You been tapping that. Should call you the damn candy man.” Nickel chuckles and reaches for the joint.

“Kiss my ass.”

“Fuck no. It’s no doubt hairy. I don’t like no hairy ass brother or legs.”

Daisy returns sliding a burger and fries in front of him. “Can I get you anything, East?”

“Naw, darlin’. I’m good thanks.”

“Bet Lynn is fit to be tied.” He passes me the joint. I take a few more hits and put it out.

“Haven’t talked to her. Haven’t seen her. Been tired of that for a few years.”

“Since Wylla Mae caught your eye. No shame in it. She’s a pretty little thing. I’ve seen her around town with her fine ass mom.” He cuts out a sharp whistle. “Wish I’d tapped that bitch. Even if she is crazy.” He bites into his burger.

“Alexa ain’t rich enough to upkeep you.”

“Fuckin’ A. I’m expensive.”

I shake my head at him. “Modern day gigolo.”

“From your lips to the man upstairs’ ears. I’ve got too much pussy in my life. More than I know what to do with.”

“Sounds like a real problem you’ve found yourself in. You look real put out about it.”

“Brother, this rich bitch is a damn addict. Calls me all damn hours wanting my dick. I’m getting older. I’m fuckin’ tired.”

“Right.” I swipe a few of his fries and he smacks at my hand.

“Get your own, fucker. Daisy, get this man a plate.” She nods and goes into the kitchen.

“You ever thought about taking the plunge and getting serious about any of them women?”

“One woman. Some bitch thinking she can tell me what to do and how to spend my money. Fuck that noise. You uh getting serious about your sweet piece?” He studies me. “Shit. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Can’t explain it, Nick. Fuckin’ love her. She’s got me hooked. Can’t eat. Can’t sleep. Worry about her all the goddamn time.”

“You been doing that since the day you met her.”

“This is different. She’s in college. Got scholarships. Her whole future is hanging in the balance, and I’m a sorry ass biker who is too damn selfish to let her go. Even bought this.” I look around to make sure no one is watching. I pull the ring out of my pocket and Nickel nearly chokes on his damn beer.

“Holy fuck. You want to put a ring on her. Goddamn.” He shakes his head and coughs. “Fuck. Easton Reed tamed. Well goddamn. Another one bites the damn dust.”

“I’ve waited my whole life for her.”


ll to be fair you’ve only been waiting what eighteen years.” He busts out laughing and I shove the ring back in my pocket.

“Fuck you. Asshole.”

“Who are we fucking?” Viking turns a chair around and sits, wrapping his thick tribal tattooed arms around the back.

I shoot Nickel a look to keep his damn mouth shut. He smirks and downs his beer. “Nobody yet. The day is young.”

My cell rings in my pocket. Fuck. Fucking Lynn. What the hell does she want? “Gotta grab this.” I shoot them a nod and step outside. “Lo.”