My mind flashes to the compass pointing East and I start to sweat. “I can’t take the bandage off yet. It’s a skull and sunflower. I need to wrap it so I can take a shower before I go over to Andi’s. Aren’t you supposed to be with Steve?”

“We had a fight, so I came home hoping to catch you for some girl time.”

“Sorry. I already made plans.”

“You can cancel. Andi will live one day without you. We haven’t talked about you and Darin breaking up.”

“He was making out with someone else last night, so I’d rather not talk about Darin.”

“Oh, honey. You must be shattered.”

I shrug. “Not exactly. I was trying to break up with him anyway.”

“Don’t you want to know what Steve and I fought about?”

“No. I don’t like Steve so I kind of don’t care.”

“Well that’s nice.”

“Mom, I literally want to take a shower. I feel all gross. So…can we talk about this later?”

“Fine but at least allow me to wrap your arm. Last thing we need is you getting an infection.”


“God, I didn’

t think I was ever going to get away from her.” I flop down on East’s bed after kicking my shoes off.

East hooks his arms under my armpits and drags me up to the headboard next to him. I snuggle into him and lay my head on his chest. “Do I need to worry about her popping up in the middle of the night?”

“No. I went to Andi’s and made sure we took pics together and posted them online. Then we even invited her out for pizza with us. I think she made up with Steve and went back to his place so she will be back to ignoring me soon enough.”

East strokes his fingers up and down my back. “I could get used to this.”

“What’s that?”

“Having you in my bed every night.”

“Well don’t get too comfortable. I’ll be moving into the dorms before you know it.” He goes tense at my words. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re gonna go off to school and forget all about my old ass when them college boys start looking your way.”

“You aren’t that old and maybe I’m into the older man thing. You should be worried about the hot silver fox professors I’m going to encounter.” I grin up at him and he tickles my ribs. “Stop it. I’m going to pee.”

“I’m not into no golden showers.”

“Into what?”

“Nuttin’.” His face goes serious. “When are you leaving for school?”

“August, near the end of the month.”

“We’ve got the summer then.”

“I thought you were heading out on a run for the club.”

“Change of plans.”