“Upstairs,” I whisper. “My room.”

“Too fuckin’ weird, baby.” He tugs me forward, leading me to the laundry room right off the kitchen. There’s a note on the fridge from my mom.


There’s some dinner in the fridge.


East groans and stops in his tracks when he sees it. “Fuck this is too damn weird. I can’t, Wylla Mae.”

“Thought you wanted that cock in my mouth.” I pull him deeper into the laundry room with me, dropping to my knees, and he runs a hand over his face. I don’t know what it is about the idea of being sneaky that makes me feel like such a bad girl, but it turns me on and makes me want him even more. I tug on his jeans, undoing his belt followed by the button and zipper. His erection springs free, and I wrap my fist around him. Since that night I’ve dreamed about doing this to East. I’ve watched enough videos that I know what to do, even if watching doesn’t compare to the real thing at least I’m prepared and have an idea what he expects.

East strokes my cheek. “Am I the first to have your mouth?”

“You’re the first to have it all, East. Darin and I—we never it was all over the clothes stuff. I was waiting for the day you’d admit that you wanted me too. I didn’t ever dream it’d be now, but I’m happy I waited.”

“Fuck, baby, I don’t deserve you.” His hand drifts around the back of my head, and I open my mouth after kissing the head of his cock. East growls, and I try to take him deeper in, but it hurts my jaws. I’m determined to see this through. “Watch your teeth,” he coaxes. “Relax your throat and suck me.” I try to do as I’m told. “Good girl,” he praises me. I stop focusing on if I’m doing it like the porn stars perform the act and trust my instincts. East doesn’t need a professional, he yearns for me. “You’re perfect, baby. So goddamn perfect.” Rocking his hips, he surges deeper in my mouth. I start to gag, and he pulls out. “We’ll get there with practice.” Holding his hand out, he brings me to my feet then lifts me onto the dyer. My ass is barely hanging off the edge. East moves the crotch of my panties aside and rubs my clit. “Fuckin’ soaked,” he murmurs against my lips and kisses me as he guides his cock inside me.

He tilts me back, his gaze fixated on where our bodies meet. We both watch as he slides in and out of my pussy, stuffing me full with each and every thrust. “This’ll be fast, but I’ll make it up to you later,” he vows.

“Harder,” I demand, and he gives me what I want hitting the right spot. My body quakes and East isn’t far behind me. He finds his release and the second he pulls out of me the front door opens and shuts. East hurries to tuck and zip while I plop off the washer and dash to the kitchen with his essences dripping down my thighs.

I hurry and open the fridge grabbing a pop and opening it as my mom enters the kitchen. I take a big drink as she gives me a funny look. “Where’s East?”

I swallow quickly. “Oh um, laundry room.” I hook my thumb and point. “I remembered you complaining about the washer being off level and he said he’d look at it.”

“Oh. Okay. You seem flushed. You feeling okay?” Her palm moves to my forehead.

I slap her hand away. “I’m fine. Just excited about my kick ass ride out front.”

“Hey, Alexa.” East pokes his head through the doorway that separates the kitchen and laundry room.

“Hey. Thanks for being my handyman.”

“No problem. I didn’t get a chance to look at it yet, but I can swing by some other time. Murder just called church. I gotta roll out.”

“See ya, East.” I smirk and he shoots me a wink.

“Later.” He nods toward Mom and starts to the front door when she screeches.

“What’s that bandage on your arm?”

“Nothing really. I got a tattoo.”

“East!” She stomps her foot like a toddler chasing after him.

“She’s eighteen and I made a promise. You know I never break my word.”

“This was not what we agreed on when you said you were buying her a car either. I thought you meant a good starter car.”

“Well it’s too late now. So, you can like it or lump it,” he deadpans and opens the door to leave.

“I’m not happy about this.”

“You never are,” he states and keeps striding down the walkway as she stands in the doorway with her arms folded over her chest.

East hops in his truck and revs the engine. Mom turns toward me with a scowl. “Well are you at least going to show it to me.”