Maybe we can keep this façade up until the end of summer. No one has to know that Wylla Mae is taking my dick more often than she’s not.

“What?” I hear Wylla Mae behind me and when I turn around the expression on her face is enough to slice me in two but this was bound to happen sooner or later. It might as well be now.

“Get your stuff. Your mom is taking you home.”

“Did she threaten you? I’m not going anywhere, East.”

“Are you doing this to get back at me for something, Wylla?”

“No, Mother. I know this might be hard for you to understand but this has nothing to do with you. I love him.”

“You don’t know what love is.”

“Like you do? You wouldn’t know love if it bit you.”

“You heard him. He doesn’t even want you here.”

“That’s not what I said,” I growl.

“Don’t come crying to me when he leaves you high and dry, sweetie. And trust me he will. It’s what men like him do. They prey on young girls and get what they want and then they throw you away.”

“Because that’s what my dad did to you? East isn’t Murder. He loves me.”

“Alexa, go home. I’ll bring her once you’ve both had time to cool off. You both have shit you need to talk about.”

“I don’t have anything to say to her.” Wylla Mae crosses her arms over her chest. “She never wanted me and she’s jealous that I gave you what she couldn’t.” Alexa’s hand flies up and whips across her daughter’s face with a loud thwack.

I grab her arm. I’ve never wanted to hit a woman in my life but I damn sure won’t let her strike Wylla Mae again. “Never and I mean ever fuckin’ raise a hand to her.”

“This is your last chance to come home with me. If you want to stay here and ruin your life, then go ahead, but who do you think will be there when he breaks your heart.”

“East isn’t going to just throw me away. We love each other.”

Alexa throws her hands up. “I’ve never been disappointed in you until now.” Wylla Mae stays quiet but I know the words sting.

“Alexa,” I snap. “That’s enough.”

“You know it was always the two of you pitted against me. I see not much has changed. I expected so much better than this from you, East. If you honestly love her then you’ll choose the right thing.” With that she spins on her heels and marches off the porch and climbs in her car. The gravel spins as she pulls out and flies up hitting my truck.

“Let’s go get changed.”

“What for?”

“We’re going for a ride.”

Wylla Mae smiles big, and I know that one day soon that smile is gonna fade away.

This won’t last forever.

Nothing ever does.

Not for me.

“East?” Wylla Mae whispers in my ear and shakes me.

“What?” I mumble and roll over wanting to go back to my dream. Dream...fuck me was it all a dream? I pry my eyes open and rub them. Fucking hell. I blink a few times as Wylla Mae comes into focus.

“Wake up, sleepy head. You passed out. You promised me breakfast then said you’d drive me home.”