“That was unfortunate. My father proceeded to give me a purple nurple when I got home that day. Lucky for me, you forgave me.”

“Yeah. I thought East was going to storm the halls to find you. He was so mad.”

“Ah. That’s what’s wrong. He was a no show. You know he’s not your dad. I don’t get why you are so hung up on that dude. He dated your mom for like five minutes. I’m starting to think you’re in love with him or something.”

My mouth drops. Darin has always hinted he thought I might have a crush on East, but he’s never came out and said it before. “Why would you say that?” I push away from him and start down the hallway hoping my mom hasn’t left yet.

“Where are you going?” Darin jogs after me. “I’m sorry. Forget I said anything. It’s just I wish you’d look half as excited when you say my name as when you say his.”

“Darin.” I look at him as he pushes the door open leading to the back parking lot of our school not knowing what to say to him. I’ve denied my true desires for so long.

“Looks like you got your wish after all.” Darin nods toward the parking lot.

I glance up and I don’t war with my tears, I let them fall freely. “East,” I whisper his name as a smile stretches over my face. I don’t give Darin a second thought as I rush down the concrete slab steps toward him. He’s leaning against his big black Chevy truck looking dangerous and like a dream come true. Wearing a black Harley Davidson tee and dark jeans. His tattoos are on full display. He’s grown a bit of facial hair and it looks ruggedly sexy. My fingers itch to touch it…to touch him to make sure he’s real.

His arms open and I collapse in his embrace throwing my arms around his neck. “You came.” He smells of smoke and I grin even wider. God I’ve missed the smell of him. Tobacco, leather, and the open road. He’s been riding. I can smell it on him. He smells like sunshine and asphalt. Danger and everything forbidden that I crave.

“Told you, kid. I’ll always show up for you.”

“I didn’t think you’d be here.” I swipe my fingers under my eyes hoping I haven’t completely destroyed my makeup.

“I wouldn’t miss your graduation for nothing. I’m damn proud of you, Lil’ Lady.”

“I’m not little,” I mumble.

“No, you aren’t,” he agrees. “I cleared it with your mom that is if you want to, I thought I’d take y

ou to dinner to celebrate. Darin can come too.” His arms drop, and I realize I had completely forgotten about my boyfriend.

“Um, I think he has a thing with his family. I should let him know though that I’m going to get a ride with you.”

“Sure. I’ll be in the cage.”

I shake my head. I always get a tickle hearing him refer to his truck as cage. Like driving it makes him feel like an animal being held in a crate or something.

I rush back to Darin. “Hey, so East is taking my mom and me out to dinner.” I don’t know why I lie to him. I know my mom won’t be there. I guess Darin’s comment has made me paranoid.

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll see ya later for Markie’s party?”

“Mhmm. Of course. I’ll text you when we get home.”

“Okay.” He leans in to kiss me and I don’t know what possesses me to do it, but I turn my cheek into him. I don’t want East to see Darin sticking his tongue down my throat. It just seems weird.

He scoffs. “Wow. Okay. I was right, wasn’t I?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re in love with that old dude,” he accuses, folding his arms over his chest. “Is he why you don’t fuck me? Did you already give him your V-card? Bet he punched that as soon as you were having your period.”

“Shut up. Don’t be saying that, Darin. I don’t know why you’re so jealous of him. He’s been in my life since I was eight years old. There’s something wrong with you. He dated my mom. Just you know what. If that’s what you think about me then…have a nice life.”

“You get in that truck and we’re through,” he threatens.

“I don’t need this from you. We both know this wasn’t going to last. Might as well end it now.”

He grabs my arm and twists it behind me. “You aren’t leaving with him. You came with me. You’re my girlfriend, Wylla Mae. I shouldn’t have to remind you of the fact.”

“Let me go, Darin.”