“Oh.” She frowns. “Well I guess I’ll have to tell Michael I can’t go.”

“What about East? He could watch me, couldn’t he?”

“Sweetheart, I can’t keep calling a guy I dated years ago to keep coming to our rescue. He has his own life, and I’m sure Lynn and him have plans.”

“They broke up.”

“How do you know that?”

“Um…we talked last week about my trip to DC at the end of the year. He said he’d pay for me to go.”

“Wylla, I told you I’d take care of it.”

“The money was due Monday. It’s fine. East came by the school and wrote them a check.”

“I wish you’d stop going behind my back and calling East for everything. We used to be close, Sweetpea.” She flips her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. Honk. Honk. “Damn it. That’s Michael. What should I tell him?”

“You know you want to go. So just go. I’ll call East and he can come over and sleep on the couch or whatever at night. I’ll be fine on my own during the day. You’ll be back Sunday, right?”

“Okay. Fine. Whatever. Call him and get an answer before I leave. I can stall Michael for a few more minutes.” I roll my eyes, but she doesn’t see. She’s already flying down the stairs to rush outside to Michael. Gag me.

He’s her fifth boyfriend since her and East broke up.

I dial East on my cell. “What’s up, Lil’ Lady?”

“Stop with the little stuff. I’m thirteen. I will be in high school next year,” I remind him.

“Yeah well you’re still a kid to me.”

“I’m a teen.”

“Okay, kid. What’s up?”

“Um…” I bite my lip. “Do you have any plans this weekend?”

“Let me guess, you need a babysitter.” He chuckles.

“How’d you know?”

“It’s Friday night and I heard Crawl telling the guys he was taking your mom to the casino this weekend.”

“Michael’s road name is Crawl?”

“Yep. I can swing by in about an hour. We can run by the store and grab a few snacks or whatever you think you’ll need. My treat.”

“Okay. I’m gonna let Mom know and pack a bag.”

“See you in a bit.”

“Thanks, East.”

“You know I’m always here for you.”

I click off the call and toss my cell phone on my bed.

I walk downstairs and find Mom outside with Michael begging him to give her five more minutes. What a jerk.

“Hey, Mom.”