“How many times did it just happen, huh? You know what. Forget it. I don’t care. I don’t need this bullshit. Not from you.”

“It’s not like you ever fuck me. All I get to do for you is go down on my knees to suck you off. What about my needs? Don’t even try to tell me that you don’t fuck club bunnies or random strange on the road. I’m not stupid. If you aren’t fucking me you’ve gotta be fucking someone else.”

“Never said you were stupid. I could’ve fucked around on you, but I didn’t because that little girl down the hallway.” I grab my cut off the bed and stomp down the stairs making for the front door.

“East!” I look up expecting Alexa but am met with Wylla Mae’s doe eyes. “You’re leaving?” A thick tear trickles down her cheek. I know she heard her mom and me. Fuck. I don’t want to hurt her, but I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep pretending that shit is fine when it’s not.

“I gotta bounce. I’ll take you out for pizza some other time, Lil’ Lady.”

“Liar.” She stomps.

“Hey now, I’ve never lied to you.”

“You won’t’ be back. Mom cheated I know she did. I heard you.”

“Go to your room, Wylla,” Alexa shouts at her.

“Why you gotta ruin everything? I hate you,” Wylla Mae cries and flies down the hall. Her bedroom door slams shut with a deafening thud.

Alexa throws her hands up. “See what you did.”

I go for the door. “I’m out of here.”

“East, wait.” I pause, hand clutching the doorknob. “I know things between us wasn’t great but don’t shut Wylla out okay. She looks up to you, and I may be shit, but you’re good with her.” Her voice cracks and I think for the first time ever Alexa is being real with me.

I nod. “She’s got my number. You do too. If she needs me. I’ll be there, but you and me, sweetheart. W

e’re over.”

“I know, East. And for what it’s worth, you were the best man I’ve ever been with. Someday you’re gonna make some lucky woman super happy.”

“Yeah. Sure.” I throw the door open and walk out lighter but already missing the brat.

I get out to my Softail and take a deep breath then light up a cigarette after shrugging my cut back on. Before I get on my Harley, my cell phone goes off. Wylla Mae’s name lights up the screen.

Lil’ Lady- I hate her. I wish I could live with you.

I look up detecting her eyes on me through her bedroom window that faces the street. I let out a sigh and take a hard drag off my Marlboro.

East- Listen. Don’t be saying that shit. You’re upset, but your mom will always be your mom. You’re getting older and now more than ever you’re going to need her. I’ll be around. I promise. If you need me, you can call on me but be good to your mom. She loves you. What happened between us has nothing to do with you, kid.

The heat of her angry stare pierces through me, but I give her a wave then climb on my motorcycle and roll out.

I drive straight to the Devil’s Playground. I need a fucking drink or ten.


“Hey, brother.” A weathered hand clamps down on my shoulder. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight. Didn’t you just get back? Figured you’d be balls deep in Alexa at least for a few days.”

“That shit is dead.”

“Fuck. You serious?” Grudge stares me down.

“It’s over.”

“Shit…” laughter rumbles from deep in his gut. “You told Murder yet?”

“Ain’t none of his business.”