“You’re good with her. She hasn’t shut up about you since we walked out of your cabin.”

“You got a little…” I brush my thumb over her lips, and she bites it. Shit. She’s digging this too. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing here. I’ve never dated someone with a kid before.

“Maybe you could be good with me too.” She leans in closer, mouth millimeters from mine. I brush her blonde hair back from her forehead and stare into her warm brown eyes unable to read her but sensing she wants me to kiss her.

“Did you see that, East?” Wylla Mae pops up from the floor and looks back at us.

“Yeah. Way cool,” I lie.

“Liar,” she screeches and runs up the stairs.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s gotten into her.”

“She’s jealous that you’re getting my attention. I can go talk to her if you think it’d help.”

“No. I’ll go talk to her. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, okay?” her teeth sink into her thick bottom lip and fuck me it’s sexy.

I take my plate to the kitchen and grab another beer from the fridge happy to see it’s stocked full of food for the kid. Yogurt, juice boxes, lunch meat, grapes, and string cheese. Back in the living room I sink back down into the couch and sip on my beer, watching the credits to the movie.

A few minutes pass before Alexa returns. “She’s all good. Now where were we.” Moving in close she takes my beer and places it on the end table, leaning across me to achieve her goal. I know this is a mistake from the moment her lips meet mine, but I don’t pull away. I caress her c

heek and thrust my tongue deep in her hot mouth. Both of us lonely. Craving something more and knowing we’ll never find it together. I don’t know what she’s running from but whatever it is, its big.

I pull back and she smiles at me.

“You sure, she won’t come down the stairs?”

“She’ll be asleep in like ten minutes.”

“Okay.” I move back in and kiss her again, but I can’t get into it. I keep thinking every time the house creaks that its Wylla Mae watching us and spying. Alexa doesn’t pick up on how tense I’ve grown. The woman is all into the moment, sliding down to the floor on her knees and going for the zipper on my jeans. She’s eager to prove that she does indeed give good head. I grab her hands before she goes further. “I’m sorry. I keep thinking she’s sitting at the top of the stairs or some shit. It just feels weird to me.”

“Why don’t we take this to my room then?”

“How about next time. I’m in no hurry, sweetheart. I had a great time tonight.”

“You sure? Most men would be pissed.”

“I’m not most men.”

Chapter 4


I file into church and lean against the back wall next to Slater. Prez looks around making sure everyone is accounted for. Satisfied he slams his gavel on the worn wooden table with the club’s insignia burned into the top. A crowned and bearded skull with a motorcycle on either side, the words Royal Bastards MC below it in large block lettering.

“I’ve called you all in today because this shit with the Dry Ridge Sinners isn’t going away. I know they were dormant for some time after that shit went down between them and the Black Rebel Riders’ MC a few years ago, but those sickos are popping back up. More people in our city are dying. They’re selling that shit called Cloud Nine. Fucked up a few of the girls from the Kitty Kat’s Den. Sonja is in the hospital and Bianca was found floating face down in the Kanawha River. I won’t have that shit in my town. You see them bastards, take them down quietly. I don’t want to draw any attention to them, but word is their club is growing again. I put in a call to Grim Jones but he’s yet to return my call. He’s got his own shit to handle, but an enemy of my enemy is a friend. Grudge and Link. Want you rotating shifts at the Kitty Kat. Alexa is still dancing over there.” Prez’s eyes meet mine briefly when he mentions Alexa. “She’s the one who let me know about Sonja.” That’s news to me. I wasn’t aware they talk at all outside of when she needs something.

The meeting continues and after Prez asks to see me in his office.

I follow him, taking my seat across from him. Murder is a big scary ass motherfucker. He’d intimidate the toughest of bastards. He stands at least six foot two inches and weighs a good two-eighty of solid muscle. His beard shows flecks of grey but he’s in his mid- to upper thirties. He became a father while he was still in high school. Him and his Old Lady been together more than half his life.

Prez stares me down but I give as good as I get. I don’t back down from any man.

“Heard you been seeing Alexa. There’s a lot of history there between me and her. Shit I’d rather not get into. So, I’m gonna say this once. That girl is important to me and when I say that girl, I mean Wylla Mae. Don’t get her attached if you don’t plan on sticking around for her. Feel me? Kid has been through a lot. More than her share. Some of that is her mom’s fault. Some of it is mine.”

“I’d never do anything to hurt either of them, Prez. I give you my word. I wasn’t expecting much to come of it, but I like Alexa. I get the impression though that there’s a lot neither of you are telling me.”

“Are you serious about Alexa or are you just fucking her?”