“You can count on me.” I’ll show her a good time all right. I’ll fuck her brains out. I’ll fuck her into January no problem. I’ll fuck her like I should have all those years ago.

Jules plops the empty shot glass on the bar and arches her brow at me. “Done.”

“Almost. You left a little cream right here.” I swipe the whipped cream off the corner of her mouth and lick my finger.

“You did not just do that. I could have cooties for all you know.”


“Yeah, herpes or something.”

“And do you have cooties?”

“Well no…”

“All right then. Cootie crisis avoided. Besides, if you had cooties, Jules, I think I’d have caught them a long time ago. If I recall correctly, we spent a lot of time under them bleachers behind the football field when you should have been at cheer practice.”


ne, get over here,” Viking yells at me.

“Excuse me a moment.” I stomp over to the table where he’s sitting with Grudge and Crawl smoking a blunt. “The fuck you want?” Cock blocking shitheads.

“You going to take her upstairs and fuck her or do I need to do it for you.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

The three of them bust out laughing. Assholes.

“You sure you know what to do with her?” Grudge starts in. “I can draw you a diagram.”

“I’ll hold your hand if you need me to,” Crawl says and takes a hit. “I can show you how it’s done. You know which is the right hole?”

I grab the joint from him and look around to see where my girl took off to before I kill someone.

Chapter 3


“Roane can’t take his eyes off you,” Pam whispers in my ear and slaps my ass. I let out a yelp winning me the attention of half the clubhouse.

“Ow. What was that for?”

“Nothing. Listen, if you want to hook up with someone here tonight. You can’t go wrong with Roane. He’s been burned in the past by his ex, so he’s not looking for anything but some fun. I’m just saying and before you get all I’m not fucking anyone on me. Hear me out. You dated loser Sam and you said yourself the sex was awful. I’m here a lot and I hear things ya know and well let’s just say the girls around here talk and Roane…the brother can lay it down. But I guess you already know that. Didn’t he punch your V-card?”

“Stop it. I swear you were dropped on your head as a kid. No. If you must know I was still a virgin when we dated. And you did this on purpose. You knew he’d be here.”

“You need to get back on the horse. Go for a ride.” She cackles like the witch that she is. “Giddy up.” She motions her hand over head like she’s swinging a lasso.

“I hate you sometimes.”

“You love me. You know I’m right, and you hate it when I am smarter than you. But I’m older and wiser. Listen to me. You guys had chemistry then, just imagine how explosive it will be now. You’re both older and more experienced. I’m almost jealous of the amazing sex you’re going to have tonight. Fuck. You are going to have so many O’s.”

“I’ve always fantasized about you being a real cowgirl,” Link tease and goes in for a big sloppy kiss, interrupting our conversation. The tender moment makes me a little sad. Pam is crazy but she has a man who loves her deeply. I’m not sure I will ever find that all consuming passion. I want it, but even with Sam I was going through the motions. He was too. I don’t know why were even together as long a we were. I think I was more in love with the idea of finding someone than actually being with him. Growing up our parents were always fighting. When Dad went jail and Mom took off, I moved in with our paternal grandparents and they were together over sixty years. I envied them. I’ve always wanted that kind of love for myself. But I don’t think I’m ever going to find it.

I catch Roane eyeing me from across the room and flames lick up my neck. My sister is right though. I could have worse prospects. Roane is sexy. He has this look that you know he’d be a good lover. He’s gown into a man, but to be fair we were only kids when we dated. He puts Sam to shame in the looks department. Tribal tattoos mark his tanned skin. He has this rough edge to him. Dark eyes and facial hair that you know would scratch the right spots. Big hands. I look to his boots. Large feet. Pam always told me that big feet and big hands on a man meant a big dick.

The thought of sex makes me nervous. With Sam it wasn’t good, but it was comfortable. I knew him. I know Roane but fifteen years is a long time. People change.