Pam shrugs and Roane says, “What dates you got left and what’s the buy in?”

I shake my head at both of them, but I love them more than anything. “Fine. I am going to call it now and say one month after she’s out of school they become a thing officially.”

Pam smirks at me and Roane chuckles.

“See. You are one of us.” My sister giggles and hugs my neck.

Roane places his bet and shoves her out the door daring her to come back until at least three days have passed.

“Why three days?”

“Because that’s how long I plan on keeping you naked in bed.”

“Oh, I like that. I like it a lot.” I start sauntering toward the bedroom, shedding my clothes along the way so my man can make good on his promise and oh does he ever.

Author’s Note

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed this fun holiday novella that centered on Roane and Jules. I wanted this story to serve as an introduction to the characters of my chapter of the Royal Bastards MC, Charleston West Virginia. Lady & the Biker is coming your way soon. It is a full-length novel. I cannot wait to share East and Wylla Mae’s journey with you. Until then I have included a sneak peek of their book, I hope you enjoy it. If you loved reading about Roane and Jules, I hope you consider leaving a review.


Preview of Lady & The Biker

Chapter 1


Rolling up behind Murder outside of the rundown two-story home a bad feeling passes over me. The older man kills his bike and motions for me to do the same. Fuck. He said he had to make a quick stop. Walking up on the porch of the two-story with white outdated siding, this doesn’t feel fast to me. I scrub a hand over my face and make note of the boards nailed over the window and the bag of garbage that the cats or a dog has scattered across the front lawn.

Prez knocks twice. The patter of footsteps sounds and the dingy white door creaks open. He pushes it wider and enters. I follow behind him, and he squats to talk to a little girl who is sitting on the floor in front of a Tv watching cartoons. She’s a tiny thing with hair so light it’s almost white. “What’d I tell you about opening the door without asking who it is first?”

The kid sniffles and wipes her hand across her nose. “Sorry,” her angelic voice says in a low tone.

“Where’s your mom? I picked up your prescription.” Murder pats her on the head. He turns to me and hands me the white and blue bag from the pharmacy. “Give this to the kid,” he gruffly orders me and stomps up the stairs.

“You sick or something?” Her warm brown eyes widen as she takes me in. I don’t get a reply. Ripping the bag open I pull out a bottle of pink liquid. “What’s your name, Lil’ Lady?”

“Wylla Mae,” she tells me with a sniffle then coughs.

I measure out the dosage and hand the plastic cup to her. “Drink it all down.” I glance at the bottle and it says it needs refrigerated. The kid follows me to the kitchen. When I open the fridge door up and see that it’s bare inside, I go tense. Not even a package of bologna. Anger courses through me. No way for a kid to be living. Shit like this burns me up. I may not be much but I’m not heartless. I look around the kitchen. The dishes are stacked by the sink and covered in flies. My stomach coils at the sight and the smell of the rotten food overflowing from the garbage can and onto the floor. Murder stomps back down the stairs with a hot pink backpack. Clothes and a stuffed bear are hanging out as he attempts to zip it shut.

“Put a jacket on her and take her to the clubhouse. I’ll be there when I can.”

Christ on a cracker. I scrub a hand through my dark hair, and he hands me the backpack. “I’m no damn babysitter. I’ve got plans. It’s Friday night.”

“Don’t give a fuck what you have planned. Make sure she gets her meds and get her something to eat. I’m counting on you.”

“Who is this kid?”

“I’ll explain later. Just fucking do what you’re told, East.”

“Fine.” I accept the backpack and take the medicine back out of the fridge and shove it in the side pocket.

Murder looks at Wylla Mae. “Listen, Cupcake. My brother here is gonna take you for a ride on his motorcycle. His name is East. You be a good girl and I’ll bring you some ice cream later once I get your mom to see the doctor. Okay?” He pats her head and she nods as a tear trickles down her cheek.

Shit. Double shit. I know nothing good will come of this. I don’t know who this kid is, but I can’t go against my Prez. He better not have me in some shit with a custody issue or some shit. Last thing I need is to be called in for kidnapping this little girl.