“Seriously? So help me I will give it to Link and tell him you want him to shove it in your you know what.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

“You’re impossible.”

“I’m unforgettable, darling,” she mocks.

I slip my furry boots and my hoodie on. I’m only going downstairs and back, but it’s colder than a witch’s tit out there. I hurry down the steps, the chill of the winter air nipping at my cheeks. The sky is gray. The weatherman gave a forecast of snow for later this evening. It’s a perfect evening to cook chili and curl up with Roane and watch a movie.

We have so much ahead of us. So many new memories to make. A week ago, the thought of love seemed laughable. Now I can’t imagine anything but him. It’s all happening so fast, but I know he’s it for me. I had always thought about him over the years. Wondering what happened to him and if he had a family. I never thought he’d be a member of the same motorcycle club as my brother-in-law let alone be a biker at all.

To be fair though he always had a bad boy edge to him. It’s what attracted me to him in the first place. Dark hair, even darker eyes. Warm tan skin and a mouth sweet like cinnamon sugar. He was my world then and he is quickly becoming my world now. A bolt of lightning shot straight through to my heart the moment our eyes met in the clubhouse.

Lost in my thoughts of him, I don’t notice the tall figure lurking behind me until it’s far too late. Opening the lid to the green dumpster, I drop the bag in and the moment I close it, a thick arm snakes around my throat, restricting my airway. Before I can scream another hand presses a cloth over my nose and mouth. Eyes rolling back in my head, I slump into the man’s hold on me and before all fades to black I recognize the scent of his cologne. Woodsy with a hint of vanilla. Sam.


Coming to, I blink my eyes. My temples pulsing, throat dry, hands and feet bound together. Fabric covers my mouth, tightly fastened around the back of my head, biting into my ears. I roll to my side and there he is. Sam is seated at a table drinking a bottle of scotch and smoking a cigar. Lines of cocaine on the table. I still, not wanting him to notice that I’m awake. Fear lances through my veins. I don’t know what he has planned or what he is even doing here. Why couldn’t he let me go? He didn’t love me. He said so himself.

It’s only been a week since I last saw him and yet he looks differently now. Had I been blind to the physical changes in him? How skinny he has gotten. How hollow his cheeks are? How dead his once vibrant eyes are. He’s not the man I cared about. This Sam is someone different. A man I don’t recognize. A man I want nothing to do with.

I need to try and break free of these bindings.

He takes another swig from the bottle and curses under his breath. Head swinging toward me, he mutters more unintelligible mumblings. I close my eyes and pray he doesn’t realize I’ve moved. He’s drunk and high. Which means he is a

lso going to be one mean bastard. I focus on breathing evenly and wonder how long I was unconscious for. Has Pam realized I’m missing? Of course she has. My sister is a nut, though I know the minute she realized I didn’t return she called Link and Roane. They’ll be looking for me, but will they find me before it’s too late?

Chapter 12


The minute that biker trash left my place with the fat whore’s things I got in my car and followed them. They had no clue. I followed them to West Virginia. I thought Julie would be at her sister’s place but turns out she’s been with some dumb bastard who doesn’t know what a stupid cunt he’s invited into his life. I watched them kissing and fawning over one another. Julie is mine. She belongs to me. I allowed her to go visit her skanky sister so she could see that I can be kind.

It was meant to be her last visit. We’re not over till I say we’re over and I didn’t say. Julie is going to learn her lesson. No one questions me. No one tells me who to fuck and when. I’ve supported her fat ass for years. She was skinny when we first got together but as the years went on her hips got wider. I bought her gym membership and she wasted it. Said the place made her uncomfortable because the men stared at her body and hit on her. That was the point. I wanted them to look at what they couldn’t have. See what I had. I need a beautiful woman on my arm when I make my run for office. She ruined those plans. I couldn’t marry her. She wouldn’t do. I needed to find a replacement for her and when the time was right, I was going to sell Julie to Mikal Cortez to pay off my debt. For some reason beyond my comprehension he thought she was worth something.

I’m still going to make the deal but not until I’ve had my fun with her first. She has no clue how many times I’ve done this to her while she was sleeping. Drugged her and had my thrill. I’ve even let my old man have a go at her a few times. She’d wake up disoriented and sore, having no clue it was because I did whatever I wanted with her. I prefer her unconscious but this time I want to hear her screams. I want her to remember my face and feel my hands around her throat. I’d kill the bitch if I didn’t need her as payment.

I snort two more lines. My nose burns and my eyes water as euphoria travels through my brain. I drink my scotch, hoping to be able to stomach seeing Julie naked again. It’s pathetic that I have to get drunk and high to want to fuck her. I look over at her. Bound on the bed. My cock barely twitches at the sight. Shoving my chair back, I grip the edge of the table. My head feels swimmy. I shake the sensation off and go to her, undoing my pants to stroke myself in an attempt to get hard. I leave my pants to the floor of the cheap motel room and get into bed with her. She doesn’t budge and I flip the Tv on and rent a movie to get me in the mood to play with her.

I watch the erotic film and touch myself. Now that I’m getting hard, I shake Julie to rouse her awake. “Wake up, bitch.” I go up on my knees and smack my dick across her face. “There you are,” I coo when her eyes pop open. “Did you really think you could ever leave me?” I laugh and remove the handkerchief I had tied over her mouth to gag her.

“You know they’ll kill you for this,” she hisses.

“Who, your biker trash?” I squeeze her face. “They’ll have to find us first. I would tell you to suck me, but I don’t trust you with your teeth. So you’ll just have to lay there for what I have planned.” I go in for a kiss and the dumb cunt tries to bite me earning her a punch to the face. She cries out and I get harder. “That’s it scream for me, Julie. No one can hear you.”

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, I’m going to fuck you and then I’m going to give you to a friend who will use you up. Put you to work in one of his whore houses overseas. You’ll be so drugged up you won’t know your own name.”

“What did I ever do to you, Sam? What happened to you? This isn’t you. You aren’t a rapist or woman beater.”

“You don’t know anything. Do you know all those times you woke up feeling like shit, it’s because I drugged you. Even let my old man fuck you a few times too while I watched.” Her face goes ashen and I smile. “That’s right. All those times you felt weird around him. Felt his eyes moving over your body. Every time he licked his lips while watching you, it was because he was remembering how you tasted. Personally, I don’t know what he found so appealing about your fat ass.”

“You’re lying.”

“Am I, Julie? Am I? You think long and hard about that.”

“You’re sick.”