Jules went to lunch with Pam. The guys and I get the boxes packed upstairs and stacked in the living room. The two of them can sort through her stuff and unpack when they return. I have to check in with Prez and let him know about that piece of shit Sam.

Murder is already expecting us when we arrive at The Devil’s Playground. He’s seated at his reserved table drinking some Black Rebel Riders’ MC apple pie moonshine. I recognize the label on the jar. He kicks a chair and mutters, “Have a seat.” I take the seat next to him and Sleeper and Sledge borrow chairs from neighboring tables. “You boys doin’ some sightseeing?”

“I called in a marker.”

“Wanna tell me why I’m just hearing this?”

“Had to make a move. Pam’s sister, Jules is in town. Me and her have history. Long story short the bastard she was with been beating on her and I called Sleeper to go to her place and pack her shit up. They drove the truck down and delivered her belongings.”

“You claiming her I take it?”

“Put my ink on her last night.”

Murder shakes his head and takes a hefty drink. “What of the boyfriend?”

Sleeper speaks up. “Left him untouched but did some digging. Made some calls. Fucker wears a suit. Thinks his shit smells like roses. Lawyer with a cop daddy into dirty shit. Takes bribes. The son has some bad habits and owes the Cortez Cartel for a lot of blow. Word is he’s on the hook bad. He won’t be around long. Mikal is not a patient or understanding man.”

“I’ll put in a call and set up a meeting. I’ll buy his debt if they deliver him to the warehouse breathing,” Murder decides. “Then we’ll show him what we do to spineless pricks who hurt women.” he looks to me. “That good with you?”

“Yeah, Prez. Sounds good to me. As long as I get watch him take his final breath.”

Chapter 11


Pam eyes the stacks of boxes that have taken over Roane’s living room. “Shit. It’s official, little sister. Welcome to the old Ladies’ Club.”

“The what?”

“You know. You’re officially one of the girls. Us Old Ladies stick together. We get together once a week for girl’s night. We each take turns hosting. I won’t add you to the rotation until you and Roane get settled in. I’m still shook he asked you to move in so fast. You musta’ gave it to him good.” Her tongue darts out wagging like a dog’s tail.

“Is sex all you think about? You’re worse than a man.”

“No shame in my game. I’m a sexual being and comfortable with talking about it.”

I roll my eyes. “Take this to the bathroom.” I hand her the box of my toiletries. I have to give Roane’s friends credit they were thorough and took everything. Even the toilet paper. “I’ll sort through it later. Right now I just want to get the boxes to their designated area.”

My summer clothes and shoes will have to go downstairs for storage. Roane has like twenty pairs of jeans hanging in his closet. The space is definitely limited. I start moving my winter clothes into the bedroom when my sister comes out of the bathroom swinging a big ol' flesh colored dildo around.

My eyes go big and round. “Where the hell was that?”

“It was in your box.” She grins. “I didn’t know you were so kinky.”

Cheeks flaming red and hot, I squeak out, “That’s not mine.”

“Eww.” She flings the toy and it rolls across the hardwood floor, coming to a stop at my feet. “Well if it doesn’t belong to you then who?” She sticks her tongue out making a gagging sound.

“Hell if I know. I’ve never seen that thing in my life. You better wash your hands. Who knows where it’s been? Do you think those guys would have stuck it in there as a joke?”

“I guess it’s possible, though playing pranks isn’t really Sleeper’s style from what I know of the dude. I’ve only met him a handful of times at rallies. Do you think it was Sam’s?”

“Sam? No way.” I shake my head, however I also never thought Sam would cheat on me or develop a drug problem. At first he said he only wanted to have a little fun. Said it was part of being in the boys’ club at work. Whatever that meant. I never thought he’d attack me either. Looking back, it’s as though I was living with a complete stranger. This time though things will be different. I know Roane and he knows me. With him its easy and natural. Nothing forced. We click. We fit, like two halves of one whole. “I don’t know but I’m getting rid of it.” I go into the kitchen and find a drawer stuffed full of plastic bags. I use one to pick the toy up and the other to discard it in.

“I’m going to go bleach my hands.”

“I’ll be back. I’m just gonna go toss this in the dumpster.”

“Sure…have fun taking the trash out. It’s okay, Julie. You’re a woman and allowed your kinks.”