“I appreciate what you’re trying to do. I do. I just…Roane, you can’t really expect me to I don’t know hop right into being with you, like there hasn’t been fifteen years between us.”

“I’m not asking. While you were sleeping, I got that name I wanted. As we speak, some brothers from the Cleveland chapter are packing your shit into a moving van and driving it down later today. Your stuff will be here tomorrow.”

My mouth is on the floor. “You did what?”

“You heard me.”

“You mean here as in this city or here as in this spot?”

Roane slides me forward into his lap. “I’m saying, I never much believed in fate until last night. You’re here because it’s where you’ve always belonged. I’m not taking any chances. You’re not slipping through my fingers a second time, baby doll.”

“You’re insane. I can’t just move in with you, Roane.”

“Says who?”


“Take a chance on me, Jules.” His lips claim mine and I melt into him. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but Roane was right. I do feel something for him. I always have. He was my first love.

This is it. My chance at a fresh start. It’s completely mad, but life is too short, and I’ve wasted too much time playing it safe. Doing what I thought was right.

Chapter 8


“You said you were married.”

“Yeah. Leah. Thought I loved her, but I think I was in love with the idea of her. Not who she really was. I should’ve known better. She was a hangaround at the club. Not Old Lady material. I was on the road a lot. She was home alone a lot and bored. Came home early one day and found her fuckin’ the neighbor. I was mad at first, but the past three years have taught me that there was a part of me that was relieved.”

“Sam cheated too,” she confesses.

“He’s a piece of shit.”

“No argument here.”

“I’m damn glad you’re here.”

“You know this is crazy? You’ve what been back around me for like twelve hours and you already want to move me in.”

“Don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. It feels right. I know what I want. What I’ve always wanted.”

Before she can respond a knock sounds at the door.

“You expecting company?

“Something like that.” Jules is going to be pissed but I did what I needed to. I get up and go to the door. As soon as I open it, Pam shoves past me.

“Where is she?”

Jules pop up. “Well hello, sister.”

“I can’t believe you. He fucking beat you and you didn’t tell me shit all about it. I had to hear it secondhand through Roane when he called to ask questions. What. The. Serious. Fuck! I’m going to cut his balls off and feed them to him. No first I’m going to step on them with my stilettos. Then I’m going to start peeling his nails off. I swear. Sam is a dead man. Fucking dead.” She stomps toward her sister. “Lift up your shirt.”

“What? No.” Jules gives me a death glare and I shrug. “Put a leash on her, Link.”

Pam’s head goes back as she cackles. “Real cute. He’s pissed off at you too.”
