Page 56 of Sacking The Player

Celeste is my roomie when we are traveling. She is a riot and has a sick sense of humor. We get along great. We have the night off, so we are going to the opening for a new club. Celeste was given VIP tickets through her ex-girlfriend.

Some place called Skirt Bar. It’s a totally odd name, but whatever, they are offering free drinks. And after the offer I was just made, I really need a drink or three.

I apply another coat of lip gloss and slip my black heels on. Apparently, this club is very posh and elite. I am happy to be cutting loose and escaping my worries for one more night.


The club on the outside looked standard, normal club vibe and all. But the second I walked into the place, I wanted to bolt. “Celeste, what kind of place did you just drag me into?” I hiss at her.

“My kind of place,” she says, smiling mischievously.

The main room has a romantic ambiance. Silver chandeliers and black tapestry serve as the main décor. Dark red roses fill vases serving as the centerpieces on the tables. Slow, sexy music plays and all around me is nothing but nicely dressed women. Not one man is in sight. Great, lovely. I’m in a gay club. Not all bad, I won’t get hit on, and I won’t have an angry Tate to deal with, but this is awkward for me.

I shrug it off and enjoy the free drinks and let Celeste do her thing. I only hope she doesn’t ditch me. This isn’t my scene. I make my way through the club, taking it all in. Behind some of the black curtains are huge beds, covered with big, thick pillows. A few are occupied. These women definitely aren’t shy. I make my way back to the tables. My curiosity has had its fill. There is definitely a lot of sexual tension here, and I find myself missing Tate more than ever and wishing I were with him.

An hour into our night, I’ve noticed my phone go off a few times, the screen says it’s Tate. I know I should talk to him, but I don’t know how I can do that over the phone, this talk needs to happen face to face.

“Hey, pretty girl, what’s with the sad eyes?” I look up and an attractive woman is standing next to the table, eyes on me. I look to see where Celeste went, and she’s having fun on the dance floor.

I just smile politely and turn back to my phone, seeing a picture of Tate and I together from last Christmas.

“Wanna dance with me, girl?” The woman asks. She flashes her pearly whites at me. If I were into the whole chick thing, I’d totally dance with her. She’s dressed in tight fitting jeans and a silky, low-cut tank and dark heels. She’s put together nicely.

I smile politely and shake my head. “No thank you, I’m good right here.” I take another drink of my cocktail and hope she gives up easily.

Her eyes narrow. “Babe, you’re hot, I’m hot, we’d look amazing together out there.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested, I have a boyfriend.”

“Then what are you doing in a here? You do know this is a club for bi-curious women, don’t you?”

“Here with a friend, that’s all.”

She leans in close to me, getting into my space. “Don’t play hard to get with me.”

I lean away from her. “I’m sorry, but I’m not into women.” I show her my phone, a picture of Tate and I kissing is on the screen. “I really do have a boyfriend.”

She looks like she’s about to say something again when Celeste finally comes back to the table. “Hey, sorry I was gone so long, but that hottie had moves, and I wanted to show off,” she says with a small laugh. “Oh, who’s this?” she asks, finally looking at the woman that approached me.

I give her help me eyes and hers widen in shock, then she bursts out laughing.

She looks to the woman and apologizes. “Sorry hot stuff, but my girl here is as straight as they come. Trust me.”

The woman stares at me again for a few seconds then shrugs and walks away.

I let out a sigh of relief. “That was so awkward. Please never bring me here again.”

She grabs her purse from under the table and stands up. “I’m ready to get back to our place anyways, I got my dancing done and a few drinks, so I’m good to go. I got a number too.” She winks and I laugh.

“I can’t believe you brought me to a sex club,” I tease her.

“Hey, don’t knock it until you try it.”

“I get all I need with Tate.” I smile, but then frown when I look to my phone to see another missed call.

We need to talk...soon.

We take a cab back to our room and there is a message and delivery for me at the front desk. A pang of guilt sweeps over me. A gift box and candy. Tate. They must be from him.