Page 71 of Sacking The Player

“I see you came with that bitch,” Kent says.

Sighing, I nod. “I can’t shake her. I made a few months ago, and now I can’t seem to stop making stupid ass mistakes. She doesn’t take the hint. Every single time I smile at another girl, she loses her mind.”

“You can fire her you know. Your contract runs out next week with her. Or have you renewed?”

Shit, I completely forgot about that. I smile. “Thanks, I completely forgot, now I can get out of it. She’ll still probably cause shit though.”

“No doubt. Maia here, her father manages a few big names, and he’s recently transferred a few to other associates at his firm, you should give him a call. I hired him myself once my contract ran out last month. He’s been doing great work, and hell, he won’t run you around doing stupid shit like movie premiers, and shit like that. Sports focus only.”

Damn, that sounds good. “Yeah, give me his number, I’ll give him a call once I ditch V, later tonight.”

I saunter off, walking around the room, chatting with a few people.

I spot V staring at me, sipping her drink and head over there. “I’m leaving, you want me to drop you off at home? Or can you find your own way home?”

She frowns. “Why would I go home, I’m going home with you?”

Shaking my head. “Valentina, we’re not a couple. Have I fucked you since that one night years ago? No, I haven’t. We’re not dating, you are my agent, that’s it. This crazy girlfriend vibe is driving me up the damn wall, and frankly, it’s more than pissing me the fuck off.”

“Fine,” she huffs, “Take me home.” I can tell she wants to say more, but surprisingly for the first time since I’ve ever known her, she keeps her mouth shut. Maybe I finally got through to her.


I ended up calling Maia’s father, and he took me on as soon as I told him who I was, just have to wait for my contract to run out with V first. And of course, I have to break the news to her. Which I will do soon. Valentina tried calling me all weekend, but I ignored every phone call. She’s either trying to call to renew our contract, or she’s trying to call to talk about us. Neither is a conversation I wanted to have until after the weekend. Hell, there has never been an us, but she loves to make people think we’re an item. I never really put her in her place on it because it kept women off me. My only focus has been my career.

I head into the locker room and my breath catches in my throat. I can’t believe she’s here—Amaya. It’s been five years and she still takes my breath away. She’s wrapping Jimbo’s ankle. She hasn’t seen me yet. I smile watching her work. I’m so fucking happy to see her, but at the same time, I wonder why she isn’t dancing. Did something happen? Why didn’t she call to tell me? I knew sports medicine was her fall back if dance didn’t wor

k out, but she’s an amazing dancer. I don’t understand why she went with her fall back choice. She glances up and when those caramel eyes meet mine, she scowls and looks away. What the fuck was that? I get angry. She’s never looked at me with such repulsion before.

I look to her hand looking for her wedding ring, but her ring finger is bare.

“Amaya,” I call to her and she wipes at the corner of her eyes and rushes from the room. Jimbo looks at me and shrugs.

“She was fine until you looked at her.”

I bang my fist against the wall.

After all this time and she can’t even look at me. Seriously? She walked away from me. She gave up on us. She stopped taking my calls. She moved on with some dancer dude. I don’t get it.

“Easy on that throwing hand, man. Do you know her or something?”

“Something like that,” I growl, before chasing her down.

Chapter 38



eep breaths, Amaya,” I scold myself. I didn’t think seeing him would be so hard. Sure, I’ve seen him on TV and in the tabloids. But seeing him up close and personal is something else. I wasn’t prepared to still love him.

Damn him.

I hate him.

I miss him.

I wipe at my tears as they fall freely. With my palms braced on the sink, I try to regain my composure. The door opens and what little air I have left is sucked from my lungs. Tate enters the bathroom. His arms are folded defensively across his chest. He’s so damn pretty to look at it physically hurts. His hair is still chunky and appearing silky. I want to run my fingers through the strands and feel for myself if it’s as soft as I remember. His arms are thicker than I remember. Hell, I think he’s taller too.