Page 48 of Hard To Love

“Uh—the night of the masquerade,” his replied, head tilted

slightly. “My mother tried to talk him out of it, but he was drunk

and kept muttering that he had to get away. My father was a bit

surprised when he arrived in the middle of the night.”

“Where does your father live?” I asked.

“Bellingham . . . Washington.”

“Oh.” I bit my bottom lip. “Was it b—because of me?” I asked,

fighting the tears. His brow furrowed and his lip twitched. “No. That would be a stupid reason for him to leave. If

anything, it should have made him stay.” He reached out, taking

my hand, his thumb brushing over my knuckles.

I nodded my head, trying to smile. The gas attendant’s voice

came out of the speaker above our heads.

“Is there a problem?” he asked. I turned and looked over at the

kiosk, shaking my head.

“It was good to see you, Nick.” I said, letting go of his hand.

After replacing the nozzle on its hook, I walked towards the kiosk. “Yeah . . . you too.” He said. “Hey.” He called out and I turned

to look at him. “Cassie is worried about you.”

I nodded. “I’ll call her later,” I said.

“I’ll tell her,” he said.

When I got home afterwards, my mother was in the den. She looked up over her book and glared at me. I cowered, realizing I had not checked in at all this past week. Slowly, I made my way into the room, taking a seat next to her.

“I’m sorry ,” I said immediately.

Her eyes glared. “All I ask is for you to give me a heads-up, Lauren. You are living under my roof again. I don’t want to worry

that something has happened to you when you don’t come home for a week and don’t answer your phone.” She put the book down on her lap and crossed her arms.

“ About my phone,” I grumbled. “I lost it, and then when I found it, it was dead.”

“I see.” She got up from the chair with the book in her hand. “A package came for you,” she said, placing her book, open and face down, on the coffee table.

“A package?” I followed her down the hall.

“Yes, it’s on the counter.” She walked up the stairs.

“Who is it from?” I asked, standing at the base of the staircase. She shrugged, and then disappeared.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the package on the counter, then pulled the scissors out of the rack. I cut it open, and reached inside. A silky fabric was in the envelope. I pulled it out and placed it on the counter. I stared at it then as I unfolded the silk tears filled my eyes; it was my mask. Also inside the envelope was a letter. Slowly, I unfolded the paper. I couldn’t believe my eyes and what timing, really.

He wasn’t even in town and he was making me cry.