Page 36 of Hard To Love

“Oh, goodie, you’re back.” Mason scowled.

“Tell her the truth,” he said, standing next to me. Cassie looked even more surprised than Mason.

“What would you know of my love life?” Mason snarled.

Nick snorted and shook his head. “Amber.” He walked forward, his eyes still on Mason. “Or Tracy perhaps . . . Ring any bells?”

“Shut up.” Mason jumped to his feet. Cassie stepped in between them.

“Stop or I will make you two leave.” She shoved Mason back. I stared, wide-eyed, at the three of them.

“Well, that was a buzzkill,” Trevor slurred, then sat back in his chair. Mason backed down. His eyes fell on me, filled with pain and anger. I shook my head, fighting the tears, and then stormed my way out of the backyard. I needed to get away from them. All this emotional baggage was too much for me. I knew driving was out of the question; I drunk way too many drinks. I just needed to get away from them, and fast.

I was furious with Mason.

Life was simple before all this. I went to work, came home, made dinner and spent the night with the man of my dreams. Now

he was dead, and I had to do this all over again. Well, forget it! This was crazy. Dating was crazy, getting involved with either of them was insane. I was more confused now than before the two of them had walked into my life.

I wasn’t sure how far I had walked from Cassie’s house because, when I looked up, I was in the forest, and I didn’t know how to find my way out. I looked around in a panic. It was so dark and I could barely see my hands in front of me.

“Shit.” I spun around then the next thing that happened was Matt standing in front of me, looking disappointed.

“What are you doing, darling?” he asked, head tilted to one

side. I didn’t understand why Matt was appearing to me. I wasn’t

thinking of him, at least I don’t think I was.

“I’m sorry, Matt. I never meant to hurt you,” I cried. “You didn’t hurt me, sweetheart. You are only hurting

yourself,” he said, standing next to me.

“What? How?” I wiped my cheeks.

“You can’t see it.” He looked so sad, and it was breaking my


What did he mean? What wasn’t I seeing?

“Why do you keep showing up? I don’t understand,” I sobbed.

I looked around when I heard someone calling out my name. “You need to go, Lauren.” He reached out to me. “Open your

eyes.” My body felt cold and wet.

“What?” I replied, frustrated.

“Wake up, Lauren! It’s not your time.” Matt began to fade and

his voice echoed.

“Matt!” I cried. “Don’t leave me, please.” The river water

rushed over me, chilling my body.

“Lauren!” someone screamed. “Oh god, someone help!” Then I