Page 82 of Hard To Love

“You’re right,” he replied, then pulled me in for a hug. “I’m sorry for acting like a jerk.” I held him but my eyes were on Nick. He watched us in our embrace, his eyes sad his lips frowning. It was time for my night to come to an end.


Two months had passed since the New Year’s party at the Fosters’ mansion. My mother had taken up dating again, and Robert was the man of choice. At first I thought it would be a little weird dating Mason and my mother seeing his father, but that changed. It wasn’t as though we were all spending time together. Eventually, it wasn’t a thought in my mind.

Mrs. Peterson promoted me to service manager at the restaurant, and Mason took a job with his dad. He worked during the week and came home on the weekends when he could. I didn’t protest against him being away since his relationship with Robert was at its best since he had been a kid. We used Skype during the week on my nights off and spoke on the phone when

ever we got the chance. Things appeared more perfect than they were. I still hadn’t said “I love you” to him yet, and I wasn’t sure I could. I was too afraid to allow myself to become that vulnerable again. For a while, it seemed Mason was fine with the fact that I had not told him that I loved him. Actually, I think I convinced myself that he was fine with it. Our weekends together became few and far between visits, and it was then I began to worry our relationship was on the outs.

When my birthday came, Mason invited me to his mother’s house for a celebration. I usually don’t make a big deal about my birthday, but Mason insisted on throwing a big party. He wanted it to be epic, one that I would never forget. He had been trying so hard since we got together that I couldn’t disappoint him. It couldn’t be any worse than previous parties at his house.

I had not expected anything major so I didn’t dress for the occasion either; a pair of black slacks, black flats, and a burgundy off the shoulder cashmere shirt. Upon entering the Fosters’ home, I was greeted not only by Mason’s mother and stepfather; but Robert and my mother were there too. Abigail then led me to the parlour where everyone was sitting around talking. I was also very surprised, yet thrilled, to see Mike, Sam, Kelly and Jennifer there as well.

“What is going on?” I mumbled to my mother , who shrugged. My eyes widened in surprise, once again, when I saw Nick. Mason noticed me and immediately came walking over, hugging me, then hugged my mother. I was relieved and wanted an explanation for the guest list.

“Will you excuse us a moment?” I asked , grabbing Mason’s hand and dragging him out of the room and to the courtyard. When we were alone, I asked, “What is going on?”

“What do you mean?” he asked, trying so hard not to smile. “You’re up to something. What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing. It’s your birthday, and I wanted you to have a good

time.” He pulled me by the waist towards him.

“This was unnecessary, Mason.” I smiled, stretching up to kiss


“I thought it would be a memorable day having everyone you

care about in the same room together,” he said.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but why would you invite Nick,

then? You know how hard it was for him and me,” I replied. “It’s been two months, Lauren. He was fine with it, and I

thought you would be too.” His eyes narrowed.

“I am. It’s fine,” I stammered. I wrapped my arms around his

neck and lingered in his arms just a little bit longer before we had

to go back inside.

Dinner was a long and uncomfortable two hours. I sat next to Mason, quietly listening to the conversations going on around me. However, Mason was right. It was going to be a memorable day. My mother was happy with the man of her dreams. I think my father would have been happy for her as well. Plus I was with my closest friends and family. Only, Nick had barely eaten or spoken two words the entire time, and I wondered where his fiancée was.

When the cake was brought out, my face turned a few shades of red as they all began to sing “Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you all for being here today. It means the world to me having everyone I love and care about in the same room.” I got teary eyed. I cut the first piece of cake and handed it out. As everyone ate their cake, Mason announced, “presents,” and then wheeled in the trolley carrying a dozen presents. Once again my cheeks flushed. “Oh, you guys, you didn’t have to do this.” My eyes welled. “It was enough just spending the day with all of you.”

“Happy birthday, baby.” Mason winked, then handed my first present over. It was from someone whose name I didn’t recognize. I read the card out loud and thanked them. I continued to do this for the rest of the gifts. When I got to the last present that Mason handed me, I opened the card to see that it was from Nick. I looked up at him with a smile and read the card without reading his note. I tore the wrapping paper off, and when I saw what was inside, I felt my heart lurch into my throat.

I stared at the rare hardcover firstedition copy of Shakespeare’s tragic love story Romeo and Juliet and bit down on the insides of my lips. This could not have been easy to come by, and it certainly wasn’t cheap. It was not easy hiding my emotional state. My mind raced. Out of everything that I could have ever received as a gift, this book was by far the best. I traced my fingers along the engraved gold accents along the edge of the leather-bound book, fighting the tears. I attempted twice to look up and thank him but couldn’t. My emotions were running wild, and I was terrified to speak for fear of crying. Whispering began through the room as the guests sat there, waiting. It was only seconds that I sat there, staring at this beautiful, well-taken-care-of classic play, but to everyone else I had taken far too long. When I opened the book, I found that Nick had inscribed it with a message.

Happy birthday, Lauren. I saw this and couldn’t pass up a moment to see your beautiful smile. I know it is something you will appreciate. I wish you all the best.

And I want you to know that I am a better man for having loved you.

Nick I looked up a s I closed the book. “Thank you—Nick, it is incredible,” I said, fighting the tremble in my lip. “It was very thoughtful.” He smiled and gave me a nod. Cassie glanced over at Nick, then at me. My mother looked worried. Nobody understood the reason behind the sentiment, but I did. Then as I was about to excuse myself, Mason pried the book from my hands and placed it on the trolley.