Page 73 of Hard To Love

“Mason!” Cassie started to cry, chasing after him.

Nick grabbed his phone out of his pocket, dialing 911.

By the time Mason had gotten to the bridge, it was too late.

He could see the tail lights of the car disappearing in the water below. His eyes welled with tears and his heart pounded against his ribs.

“Lauren!” he screamed, leaning over the broken wall. He spun around, hands on his head, panic stricken. “No!” Tears streamed down his face. Then he ripped his jacket off and threw it. “She’s down there.”

“Mason, don’t.” Cassie grabbed his arm. “It’s too cold. If you go in there you will freeze to death!”

“Lauren will die if I don’t!” He cried.

“You could die trying to save her.” Cassie cried grabbing his arm dragging him away from the edge.

“We are wasting time talking about it. She only has so much time!” He tried to break free.

“Mason please,” she begged, “Don’t, you will die.”

“Then so be it.”

Cassie’s mouth gaped, her eyes tearing up. “Mason, Lauren wouldn’t want you to risk your life.”

“Mason, think about it.” Nick tried to reason with him, but as soon as he saw Nick, rage filled his eyes. “Don’t be stupid—”

“This is your fault!” he screamed, shoving Nick. Cassie spun around as she heard sirens in the distance.

“Guys!” she shouted to get their attention. Then she walked out to the middle of the road to flag the ambulance down. In the background Mason shoved Nick again before Mason backed away and walked over to the bridge. He got ready to jump in, when the rescue team came to a screeching stop, shouting at him to get away from the ledge. Quickly they set everything up, but so much time had passed already, Mason began shouting.

“Every minute that passes gives her less of a chance to survive,” Mason said, getting in the way of the rescue efforts.

“Sir, if you don’t stand back, I will have an officer put you in the cruiser,” he said, placing his hand on Mason’s chest, gently pushing him back. “I know that you are worried, but you need to let us do our job.”

Cassie stood behind the police caution tape, a blanket draped over her shoulders. Nick stood next to her, his hand cupped over his mouth as he sobbed. Mason paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair. Tears drenched his cheeks.

They watched in horror as Lauren’s lifeless body was pulled up from the wreckage. Mason ran to her, but the offic

ers held him back.

“No!” he said repeatedly. “She can’t die. You have to save her.” He dropped to his knees. “She can’t be dead. I—I could’ve . . . saved her,” he cried.

Everyone watched as one paramedic did CPR and the other wheeled her to the ambulance. Someone coughed and Mason’s head shot up. He stared at the back of the ambulance.

“Was that her?” he asked, looking up at Cassie, hopeful.

“I—I d—don’t know.” Her eyes focused on the truck as it pulled away. The firefighters pulled the car up from the water next, the windshield completely smashed in, water spilling out as the car hung there.

“Let’s get to the hospital,” Cassie said, pulling Mason to his feet.

**Afterwards** Slowly my eyes opened, blurred from the drugs in my system. I lay there attached to several machines, monitors beeping as my vitals remained steady. The room was dark. I felt alone. Then I saw Mason next to me. Sadness overwhelmed him. I tried to talk to him, but he never heard me. Then I realized that I was standing next to him, outside of my body. I jumped back, shocked, hitting the wall behind me. Then the door opened, and Cassie walked in with Nick.

“What did the doctor say?” s he asked, sniffing back the tears, her hand resting on Mason’s shoulder. When I looked down at Mason again, I noticed he was clutching my hand. My eyes roamed the room and found Nick in the corner, arms crossed, tears hovering in his eyes.

“Hey , pumpkin,” I heard and spun around.

“Daddy?” I gasped and ran to him. “What’s going on?” I asked, confused. Just then my mother stormed through the doors. I watched in horror as she grabbed Mason, screaming at him, pulling him away from me, tears bursting from her eyes. I cupped my hands over my mouth, my eyes filling with tears as I watched the pain fill all their faces. I fought against the hurt building inside. I turned to my Dad. “Why are you here?” I asked, wary.

“You’ve given up, pumpkin.” He sighed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.