Page 72 of Hard To Love

“Who wasn’t supposed to come here and why?” I searched his eyes, praying for a different answer. “Nick?” I fought the sobs.

“Her name is Stacey, the woman I’m with.” He turned away, rubbing his jaw downwards. “S—she is my fiancée.” His voice began to break. My breath halted and I stood there motionless and weak. He spun around to face me again and I wanted to lash out, I wanted to slap him but I couldn’t. His eyes were screaming for forgiveness with each translucent trickle of emotion.

My heart plummeted; my mouth gaped. “Your—what?” I gasped. He reached out for me, but I backed away. He rubbed his forehead with one hand and held his waist with the other. “When I came to Portland, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get married—” he cried.

“Please tell me that you’re joking,” I said. My body began to tremble.

His head slowly shook. “I’m so sorry, Lauren.” He reached for me again, but I slapped his hand way. His eyes watered, and his lips pressed thinly. “I didn’t think I would meet someone like you while I was here.”

“You’re sorry?” I scoffed. “We have been together for two months, Nick, and you failed to tell me that you were engaged.” Angry tears poured down my cheeks. “And to think I was feeling guilty for kissing Mason last night.”

“You kissed Mason?” he gasped. His hand cupped over his mouth.

“Don’t turn this around. I tried to tell you earlier, but you skipped out on me once again!” I growled. “There is a big difference between what I did and what you are doing! Does she even know about me?”

He shook his head, stammering, “We were on a break. I was confused and—”

“What were you confused about, Nick?” I barked.

He looked at me with teary eyes. “How I felt about you,” he whispered, and then the tears fell effortlessly.

“How do you feel about me, Nick? Because to me right now, it feels like I meant nothing.” I choked on my breath, unable to believe what was happening.

“I love you, Lauren.” His eyes watered. “I mean that.”

“But?” I pressed my fingers against my trembling lips.

“I love her too.” His head hung back. “Seeing her again brought all those feelings back, and I can’t choose without—”

I raised my hand, interjecting. “You don’t have to,” I said and stormed out.

“Lauren—” he called out. I walked past Mason shooting him a nasty look before I disappeared.

Everything from there on out blurred together. My ears buzzed, and my heart beat so fast that it was the only thing I could hear. I didn’t stop, not for a second and not until I reached the snowcovered cobblestones outside. I didn’t even think before I got in my car and started driving away. I sobbed uncontrollably, unable to stop and unable to see the road clearly through the flood of tears spilling from my eyes. I told myself to stay away from them. I should have just listened to my gut.

Everything felt as if it were going in warp speed, and I didn’t realize how slick the roads were until it was too late. I hit a patch of black ice and the car spun out of control, hitting the bridge’s cement wall, flipping the car right over it. I saw the water coming towards the windshield before I realized what had happened. My life flashed before my eyes, and Matt appeared next to me. His eyes sad, he took my hand in his.

The force of the impact knocked me unconscious.


**Meanwhile** Mason walked around hastily, searching for Lauren. “Where is Lauren?” he asked Cassie, walking towards her. Then he turned to Nick, who shrugged. “I don’t see her anywhere.”

Cassie walked away. “She stormed out ten minutes ago ,” Nick replied. “Because you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut.”

“You should never have lied in the first place, Nick,” Mason shouted back, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

“Right, because what you did was any better.” Nick’s voice rose slightly.

“Is that what this about?” He got in Nick’s face.

“Mason, her car is gone,” Cassie said, running towards them. Mason spun around, his face grave.

“She’s had way too much to drink,” he said gravely. Panic filled his eyes. He started running to the front door. “Where is your car?” he asked, spinning around to face Cassie and Nick. “Come on,” he groaned. “Mine is at the shop. Someone tell me their car is out front.” His eyes started to water.

“Mine’s there, but it’s probably blocked in,” Nick replied. As they walked down the driveway, they heard a screech in the distance. All of their heads turned slowly in the direction just as a horrible crashing sound followed.

“No!” Mason gasped, and then started running.