Page 70 of Hard To Love

What had I done? Replays of last night’s events flooded my head. Tears streaked my cheeks, I was so ashamed.

“Yes,” he said with a smile. I was thrilled to hear him say that but how could I tell him the truth now? “I’m trying to work it out so that I can work from here. I’ll still have to travel for work a few times a month, but that is better than living separately—”

“Living separately?” I gulped. The guilt was eating me alive inside now. “Does—that mean you want to move in together?” I asked. He smiled and nodded. This time I couldn’t help but cry. His hands cupped my face. His eyes gazed lovingly into mine. I had no choice but to tell him the truth and hope he would forgive me. We had been dating for six weeks. It was still early enough in the relationship for him to forgive me. Right?

“There is something I have to tell you,” I stuttered.

“I love you,” he said kissing me.

“I love you too.” I sobbed in his arms holding him tight. “But I need you to know something first.” I sat back, looking at him. His eyes were wet with tears, lips slightly parted. He looked sad more than he did happy. I closed my eyes, and gathered up as much courage as I could, because this would probably be the end of us.

“What?” His lips trembled. All day I had been coming up with ways to tell him, and now all words escaped me. “What is it?”

Every time I tried to speak, my breath hitched in my throat. I brushed my thumb across his cheek. “The other night when you didn’t show . . .” I pulled my hands away, covering my face, embarrassed. “I was upset and—” His phone rang, interrupting me.

“Sorry—” He answered the phone. “I’m busy. What is it?” he grumbled. He slowly turned and smiled at me, hanging up his phone, and then pressed his lips to mine. “I should go . . . to help set up for tonight,” he said, standing.

“O—okay,” I sighed, relieved. Eventually he would learn the truth. If not from me, then Mason would gladly tell him.

“We’ll continue this conversation later,” he said and bent down to kiss me again, then left.

I got ready at home at home this time and with my mother ’s help on my hair. The style we chose for my hair was up in a loose curly bun leaving a few thin strands dangling around my shoulders. After my ensemble was complete, I stood in front of the mirror, looking at the end result. The dress clung to my curves perfectly, and I was happy that I decided to buy it. I then slipped on my skyscraper faux-diamond-cluster heels and spun around. My mother put the finishing touches to my hair, a couple of snap on diamond clips.

“You look b eautiful, sweetheart,” she said, kissing my cheek. “When Nick see’s you he is going to die,” she said, smiling. I brushed my hands down the dress, smoothing it out. “You should wear blue more often. It’s a great colour on you,” she said, standing next to me in the mirror. “Wow.” She cupped her hands over her mouth. “I don’t know what I am going to do on your wedding day.”

“We have plenty of time to worry about that.” I laughed, as I hugged her. “I am so nervous,” I said, stuffing the gloss in my purse after swiping it across my lips.

“Don’t be . You’ll fit in perfectly,” she said, walking with me down the stairs to the front door, hugging me one last time before I slipped out the door. I looked up at the darkening sky and spotted a single shining star through the clouds and made a wish.

Thirty minutes later, I pulled up to the long cobblestone driveway of the Fosters’ mansion. I stopped in the courtyard, parking behind a slew of cars. The cobblestone was scattered with patches of ice even with salt scattered in chunks across the ground. With the rain coming and going all day, it had taken longer to melt the ice.

I rang the doorbell.

This time a different butler greeted me at the door. I handed him my invitation. He bowed and opened the door wider. Upon entering, I felt a sudden pang hit me in the chest. Something made me feel uneasy about being here. I stood nervously in the foyer. I gathered my thoughts before following the sound of chatter and the soft hum of the string quartet playing from the other room. As I walked into the ballroom, I held my breath. Heads turned. I smiled and kept walking. At first I couldn’t find anyone I knew, but then I spotted Cassie in her beautiful burgundy dress and walked towards her. We hugged, and she led me over to a table.

“You can leave your stuff here,” she said, taking my hand.

We walked around, taking flutes of Cristal, replacing the empty ones with filled ones. I scanned the crowd for Nick, surprised that I still had not seen him—or Mason, for that matter.

“You look amazing,” Cassie pointed out as we came to a stop by the patio doors. I scanned the crowd, looking for Nick. It had already been an hour, and I still had not seen him. Dinner would be served soon.

“Want to dance?” Cassie asked, pulling me along. I shrugged finishing the glass of champagne in my hand, and placed it down on a table.

“Have you seen Nick?” I finally asked.

Cassie shook her head, and then proceeded to tell me that she had arrived early and had not seen him at all. My head cocked, slightly confused. He had told me he was going to help set things up. I glanced around the room, and spotted Mason. My mouth dropped and my eyes fluttered at the sight of him. He wore a threepiece suit, dark black with lavender. He looked gorgeous, as always. Ugh I hated him. I watched as he smiled and spoke to the couple in front of him. His eyes wandered a moment from the couple. That’s when he caught my stare. His head jerked taking a second look in my direction. My cheeks flared and I looked away. He tried to continue with his conversation but his eyes were still on me. Then I watched as he excused himself. He started walking towards me, and I turned away nervously. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering feverishly, and I thought I’d be sick at any moment. When he closed in on me, I felt his touch on my shoulder before turning around. His eyes looked me up and down.

“You look—beautiful,” he gasped. My lips parted, and I let out a nervous gasp. His thumb stroked my bare shoulder delicately. Suddenly, I found myself lost in his blue eyes again. His smile slowly widened. It was then I realized he had done it again, reeled me in. I bent to release his touch and backed away, his smile disappeared.

“Please—don’t,” I gasped, looking around nervously.

His chest rose and fell rapidly. “Why not?” His face looked strained.

“I’m going to tell Nick tonight,” I replied.

“Tell Nick what?” he asked and scrunched his face.

“Don’t play stupid with me, Mason. You know what I’m talking about.” I scowled.