Page 67 of Hard To Love

“Yes.” I avoided looking at him.

“Well—he isn’t here,” he replied, as if this should have been obvious to me.

“But your butler said he would be here soon.” I looked up.

“Yeah, he was here and now he isn’t.” He placed his hands on his hips, his chest peeking out of his unbuttoned shirt.

“Are you going to finish getting dressed?” I gulped.

His lip curved slightly. “Does my nakedness bother you?” he teased.

“Nick was supposed to meet me at 8:30,” I replied.

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” he said, sucking in a breath. I watched him parade across the room to the liquor cabinet. A silver tray held two crystal glasses and a matching carafe. He used silver tongs to grab two ice cubes, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. Then offered me a glass, but I declined. If Nick wasn’t home, then I no longer had a reason to be there. My phone rang, startling me. I looked down at my phone and sighed, disappointed. I could feel Mason’s stare.

8:30 p.m. Nick: I’m so sorry, Lauren. I had to run out. Please forgive me.

This was becoming a routine for him lately. I turned away from Mason’s stare as I returned a text to Nick.

8:35 p.m. Me: It has been two days since I have seen you, Nick. Do you not want to see me or not?

8:40 p.m. Nick: Of course I do, sweetie. I’m really sorry. I will make it up to you. I promise.

8:45 p.m. Me: The winter festival is this weekend. I am starting to feel no longer welcome.

“Trouble in paradise?” Mason asked, lurking behind me brow raised, a little smirk slowly forming on his perfect lips. I hated him . . . I wanted—to hate him.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, “No—just mixed up the dates is all,” I lied, and then walked out of the parlour heading towards the front door. I couldn’t be around Mason. My wounds were still fresh. It was easier to forget him when he wasn’t around.

“Right,” he scoffed.

8:48 p.m. Nick: I love you. <3 My heart skipped. I missed him so much. My thoughts were swooning so much over those three words that I forgot that Mason was trailing behind me.

“Hey , uh—Lauren, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked. I came to a full stop and stood there a moment before I turned to face him. I don’t know what compelled me to entertain anything he had to say. “Not really.”

He started talking anyway, his eyes on the ground before me. “Is—um—this thing between you and Nick serious?” he asked. His jaw tensed as he waited for my answer.

My lips parted and I gasped in disbelief. “Yes,” I whispered, a hint of uncertainty in my tone totally caught me off guard.

He looked down at the ground again. “A—are y—you in love with him?” he asked, glancing up through his long lashes. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. What was he thinking, asking me these questions? He had no right asking me anything. I huffed and crossed my arms.

“Why are you asking me this, Mason?” I asked.

He winced, “Look, I know I lost my chance, but if there was any way—”

I interjected, “That’s right! You lost your chance.” Anger took hold of me. “You can’t expect me to just drop everything and run back to you.” I flailed my arms around in frustration.

“I know—”

“No, you don’t!” I scoffed. “You left Mason. You left.” My voice rose slightly. As I tried for the door, he blocked my way.


“No! Don’t you ‘Lauren’ me! You made your choice and you asked that I respect it, so I did. Now respect mine,” I shouted.

“I—” he sighed, frustrated when I interrupted him again. I wasn’t going to give him a second to twist this around on me.

“I never thought that I would see you again.” I fought against the looming tears. “After a while I hoped that I never would.” I looked away, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks, tears flooding my eyes. Those were hurtful words and I didn’t mean them.