Page 66 of Hard To Love

“Thanks ,” I said, getting out of the bed dragging the sheet with me and wrapping it around me, as I slipped into the bathroom. I started the shower and was half expecting him to join me but he never did.

I sat across from him at the table. He poured me a mug of coffee, and then leaned over to kiss me.

“It just arrived, should still be warm,” he said, lifting the lid off the tray. I couldn’t eat right away. I still wanted to relish in his presence. His messy hair, which he had run his fingers through a few times already, made him look adorable. “Eat.” He snatched a piece of bacon and popped it in his mouth. I grabbed a plate and picked out a few pieces of bacon and a pancake. I poured a little maple syrup over it. As I took a bite, Nick cleared his throat and folded his hands in his lap. I looked up at him, wary of what he was about to say.

“I have to go out of town for a few days,” he said emphatically. My smile disappeared, and I sat back, glaring at him.

“The festival is this weekend.” I put the fork down.

“I’ll be back before then,” he assured me, but it was his lack of eye contact that had me worried again. “I promise,” he added, looking up, reaching across the table and taking my hand in his.

“When do you leave?” I asked.

“This afternoon.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes annoyed. “Nick—”

“I know, babe, it sucks, but Dad has me doing some things—” He tossed a chunk of bacon in his mouth. “I’ll be back before you know it.” I nodded, but inside I was furious.

Nick dropped me off at home an hour later.

I called Jennifer and made plans to hang out that night at Shattered. I needed to take my mind off Nick and his cryptic behaviour lately. I’m sure I was overreacting and this was not how I normally would act—or was it? Matt died because I overreacted about what he was doing when he wasn’t with me. Mason left town because I overreacted . . . maybe it was me.

I shook it off, gave myself a pep talk and took a few deep breaths. I wasn’t going to let my emotions control my actions. I had not given Nick any reason to not trust me, and I shouldn’t make up reasons not to trust him.

I had a few hours to kill before meeting Jennifer. I decided to go for a jog.


It was Friday evening and I had n’t heard from Nick since he had left two days ago. I called him, but his answering machine picked up. He had told me that we would spend the night together when he got home, yet he hadn’t come home. I paced my room, feeling confused and angry. Was this how Nick and Mason thought relationships were supposed to be? Was that how their parents were? Then I jumped as my phone beeped, and stretched across my bed to grab it off the end table.

6:45 p.m. Nick: Lauren, meet me at the house at 8:30. My heart jumped; my breath thudded. I hugged my phone, relieved. Then I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a sheer black-silver plaid blouse and black ankle boots then ran down the stairs to the front door. I checked my hair again in the vanity mirror by the door, then grabbed my purse.

“ Where are you going in such a hurry?” My mother asked walking towards the hall from the den.

“Nick called, he is finally home.”

“Have fun.” She said with a big smile.

It was going to take me, at the least, thirty minutes to get to his house. The weather had changed drastically overnight. Wind

chill from the north had swept in some icy rain. I glanced at the clock on my car stereo. It was just after 8:00 p.m.

6:50 p.m. Me: Cutting it short, don’t you think? He had never replied, but I got in my car anyway and made my way over. When I arrived, no cars were parked in the driveway and the garage was closed. All the lights were off in the house, so it was hard to tell if anyone was home. Slowly I walked up to the door and rang the bell anyway and waited. Moments later the butler greeted me.

“ Good evening, Miss Miller.” He opened the door for me to enter. “Mr. Porter should be here shortly,” he said, leading me to the parlour.

What did he mean, he should be here shortly? Why had Nick told me to come to his house if he wasn’t home?

“Is Nick not home?” I asked and turned to face him before he slipped away.

“Not at this moment,” he replied cryptically, then walked out of the room. As I sat waiting, my thoughts began to wander. I didn’t think I had ever stressed so much in a relationship before. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard voices in the hall. Getting to my feet, I quickly walked to the main foyer in hopes of finding Nick, only to be surprised by Mason’s presence. My breath choked and I swallowed hard. He was walking down the winding staircase, shirtless. When he spotted me, he stopped short and stared, just as stunned.

“Lauren.” His brow furrowed and his jaw tightened. I looked away, trying not to stare at his naked, yet well-defined upper body.

“Mason,” I replied breathy, then turned and walked back to the parlour. A few minutes later, Mason came walking in as he slipped his arm in the sleeve of his black shirt.

“Are you here to see Nick?” he asked, pulling the other sleeve on, and then walked towards me.